Inspire Me Monday: Pantone Fall Colors

** Posted this as a guest post on Oh Mishka last week, but I thought I'd post it here for your viewing pleasure as well. Enjoy!**

It's no secret that I'm incredibly inspired by color and I was super excited when Pantone recently revealed the Pantone Fall Color Report! Check out all the gorgeous hues predicted to be popular this fall.

I gathered some pretty finds in case you want more of these rich colors in your life.

Find them here:: 

Which is your favorite? I think my feet are telling me they need those deep teal flats!



  1. I really like emberglow, but they are all so pretty!

  2. i love this post here and Michelle's. love fabric and handle so much. :)

  3. So beautiful! I love the deap teal and the phlox. Never heard it called that before, but hey, beautiful color!

  4. deep teal flats, that's just what I would loveeee to have too!

  5. Did anyone else hear my squeal when I saw the color palette? No? Whew!

    Um, yeah, those are gooorrrrrrgeous!! Yippee! Thanks for posting!

  6. I am not normally a big pink person but I love Honeysuckle! So pretty :)

  7. ohh they are sooo nice! I am decorating now my new flat, and I need a lot of inspirations. Definietly in colours! ha!

  8. I love that photo with the home with the cute dog silhouettes!!! I so want some since I have a little chihuahua because they are adorable!!! I just found your blog bc I entered to win a giveaway on The Traveling Fridge and its for one of your prints (well a credit) but love it! So following now!

    Ashley from Sloanbook

  9. i loved the wire lighting. too cool.

  10. what a beautiful post!! LOVING all the great colors!!

  11. dream job-- working for pantone and surrounding myself with color!

  12. saw this post on Oh Mishka and decided the two browns will be my new colors for the ol' blog...still deciding on an accent color; thoughts?


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