Change of Plans.

I hinted last week (and have been blabbing about it on twitter) that we would be staying here in Hawaii a bit longer than we thought. We were expecting to be packing up to leave in the next few weeks, but as happens in the military and in life, plans changed.

We found out a few weeks ago that Chris did not get the dream job that he has applied for three times and has been dreaming about for six years. It was a big disappointment and I have to say, it is so incredibly hard as a wife to see your husband discouraged. All I can do is hug him, kiss him, and tell him I am proud of him. (I can also take him out to sushi and a movie, which I did and it made me smile to see him smile.) And of course, I pray for him. Because it sucks to get your dreams taken away from you and it's times like these when we can start questioning God's plans for our lives. 

After a few days of disappointment, we picked ourselves up and started looking ahead. The job he did get is actually a great job and he is going to love it, I think. Plus, he will not be deploying for the next few years and this job is not nearly as dangerous as the job he was hoping to get. We know that God holds us in His hands and there is no minute detail of our lives that goes overlooked by him. It's hard in the moment to understand why we are headed down a different path than we had hoped and planned for. And maybe we're not meant to ever know, but I have a feeling there's a lot of good stuff waiting for us. 

So now we are waiting for some more answers. The next few months and years are fuzzy right now until we talk to detailers and get concrete plans laid out. (Ok, nothing is concrete with the military... let's say somewhat firm asphalt plans.) But it looks like we'll be here for at least another few months (maybe even up to a year).

Which is okay. It's even great!

We love our friends here. 

Our beaches. 

Our bike rides. 

Our picnic dinners. 

But it's just hard when you have one foot out the door, ready for something new, ya know? And it's frustrating not knowing what the future holds. 

I hope it isn't cliche to put this verse in here-- but Jeremiah 29:11 is just so true for us right now. 

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." 

Good news for youuuu guys is that I won't be closing the shop this fall, like I was expecting to! And next week, I'll be opening up a spot in my custom queue, so keep an eye out! 



  1. So sorry to hear your hubby didn't get his dream job and about the disappointment he is feeling, but it must have been so nice to have you there to help cheer him up...and the sushi and a movie sounds like it helped too! :) Plans do change and hopefully this change leads to new, wonderful things for you both...and I have a feeling his dream job will come, even if in a different form! Enjoy the next few months and wherever this new path leads! Sending a few extra smiles your way! :) :) :) Beautiful pictures too and woo hoo for not closing your shop!

    Liesl :)

  2. Hang in there! We've been in similar situations before (although not in the military - my husband is a youth pastor), but isn't it quite comforting to know that God totally directs our paths? :)

  3. I know both of you are disappointed right now, but I truly believe everything happens for a reason. Just from reading your post, it seems you are staying positive and making the best of everything... p.s. love the scripture quote... very uplifting! Take care.

  4. Yah, we are still in the waiting phase of the dream job scenario. Out of 400 he was #16, then jumped to #4 and is in a "wait" that is frustrating. Of course we know God has perfect timing, we are human and don't understand His answers. A few weeks ago, one of our pastors was talking about prayer and about how we pray for things with human expectations and we need to learn to have supernatural (God sized) expectations. Most importantly, we can ask for what we think is His will, but in the end, He gives us far beyond what we think we want, He gives us more of Himself...and THAT, my friend, is AWESOME. :)

  5. "The steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord. He delights in each step they take." ~Psalms 37:23

    This verse has been on my heart as I search for jobs. Apparently it is appropriate for you as well!

  6. Hey! It's so true that we can never make plans for the long term. My hubby and I were planning on taking the 7-day Hawaiian islands cruise in the fall, and he got deployed with only 10 days' notice. So it'll have to wait until he gets back. Enjoy the time you have left in Hawai'i, and everything else will fall into place!

  7. The verse is definitely not cliche'. It is true.

    I'm sorry to hear about the disappointment. I'll send some prayers up for you and your husband.

    You are a wonderful example and light to us all... trusting in God to place you where you need to be.


  8. I know how awful it can be to see your loved one discouraged because his plans for life aren't working out. In our case though, it's on a permanent scale since Jake has PTSD and will never be able to do the things he wanted to. It's okay though, life sends you on a new adventure which might not be what you had hoped for or planned but can be pretty sweet and great too. Good luck to you guys!

  9. that has ALWAYS been my "go to" scripture... just LOVE it :) I'm so excited for you friend, and the adventure that lies ahead that God TOTALLY is preparing you for. Isn't it awesome... He only gives us what we can handle-find comfort in it, even if it wasn't necessarily what we wanted at first!

  10. Great scripture choice! Plans have recently changed for us in the past week and I know my husband has been feeling discouraged about school and where to look for work. You're right about the praying and sometimes it's all we can physically do. I started reading "Pray Big for your Marriage" recently and it's been helpful. Hang in there and keep listening :)

  11. I think this post rings true for so many of us -- plans change in the blink of an eye, and even though down the road, we might be grateful for it all, in the moment, it's discouraging. And you're right: I think it might be worse to watch your spouse endure the disappointment. They take it so hard! You're having an amazing attitude about it all, though, and God will get you through to something bigger and better.

  12. Keep encouraging that hubby of yours! :) it's the best thing a wife can do. Yay for staying in Hawaii longer though! It's hard to trust God during some decisions...I have a big decision coming up in my life and my blog post about it is scheduled for 2:00 EST today! It's a big choice!

  13. this. post.
    sure you're not perfect but you are handling this situation with SO MUCH grace, friend. & i applaud you on that because i can't say that i'd plan a dinner date right after my hubs lost his dream job...because i sulk a lot, LOL! ;) but that's not the point. sure, you guys are upset but you're picking up the pieces & going on with life & looking for the bright side of things.
    love you, friend! God's hand is on your life right now. :)

  14. Just another verse for you..

    Romans 4:20-21 "No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised."

    You are definitely glorifying the Lord through this post!

  15. SO hard to watch your love be disappointed.

    One thing that surprised me about the military life is how I would come to appreciate the unpredictability of it. All of the decisions our essentially out of our hands, no matter how hard we try, so we KNOW that God is taking us EXACTLY where He wants us. There's nothing for me to screw up. And that part is really exciting - to know He's laying our life out for us and we're not getting in the way :)

  16. Funny you wrote this because my blogpost Saturday was on the SAME thing haha! God must in the move for changing plans lately! :)

  17. so sorry Chris didn't get his dream job! Things have a funny way of working themselves out!

  18. Oh, dear. I'm sorry for your husband and your discouragement. But it seems like you are handling it well--by looking to the positives.
    I know how you feel about having one foot in the door. That's where my family is right now, as well. We are pushing for a big new change, not knowing for sure if its what God's plan is. We can only pray that if it IS that he will make it happen for us. And if not, well, we'll be disappointed, but I guess things could be worse.
    Keep your heads up and keep looking to the beauty that surrounds you. :)

    p.s. I'm glad you won't be closing shop, because I've been scoping some pieces out for future purchase.

  19. I feel so blessed after reading your blog! My husband and I have both been at a point where we are looking for career switches, and it's so easy to get frustrated when things aren't going (or changing) the way we hope. God used you to remind me that He has an awesome plan that is better than mine... and what we should be focused on doing is praying for what He has in store for us while we enjoy what we do have. Enjoy your island life while it lasts!!! It sure does look pretty!!

  20. It's got to be disappointing for your husband, but I think y'all are taking the right attitude. Who knows what opportunity is right around the corner?

  21. I love that verse. It's such a great reminder in times like these where we have NO idea what God has in store for us.

  22. I SO needed that bible verse today! I'm anxiously awaiting my own shift in life and need to remember that everything is happening according to His plans and I really need to trust that and not be impatient.

  23. Its so scary when the Lord takes you left when you thought you were going right, but that verse says it all (and isn't 1 bit cliche).

    How great that his new job will be less dangerous and keep him next to you for a few years w/out a deployment. Best thing ever, if you ask me! Deployments suck.

  24. Thank you for writing this. The same.exact.thing just happened to us and it's so difficult to watch my hubby go through this, so difficult to always have to be the positive one, so difficult to trust that God has bigger and better plans that we can't see or understand right now. You encouraged me today - thank you. (And this meant enough to me to come out of my lurker mode and make my first comment on your lovely blog, which I've been reading for probably a year). :)

  25. been there...i know how you are feeling. BUT if i was going to be in limbo somewhere hawaii would be my first choice. saying a little prayer that God makes your path known.

  26. I can't even imagine how frustrating that would be! But like you said, God has a plan for you two. Just try to roll with it the best you can.

  27. That's tough. I remember crying a few tears when we didn't get one of our desired jobs. My guy has had several unexpected (good and not-wanted) things happen to us with the navy. One thing I know for certain and that you can too is that when everything seems right and perfect and that it should happen and it doesn't for some weird reason... you *know* it is God, and he does have a better plan. And even if you can't see it now, you will see it in the future. Many blessings to you two and prayers for your upbeat guy as he is going through a disappointing time. Enjoy Hawaii. I know near the end, I was getting the itch to road trip further than the North Shore, but now oh how I would love to be back. :)

  28. It will be good to see how God works out his perfect plan!

  29. sorry to hear that your first plans didn't work out, but hoping that this plan is an even better one!! can't wait to be added to your custom queue!!!

  30. You are an awesome wife! And i agree, you never know what God's plan is.

    I'm glad to hear that you will be staying longer on the island. I love to read other bloggers from my area.

    I love your cruiser bike. I've always wanted one, but it's kinda scary to ride your bike in Hawaii, in my opinion. Maybe it's just me.

  31. It's never cliche' to quote the Bible. NEVER! Yay for you! You are absolutely right about enjoying the moment now for all things you currently have at your fingertips. Embrace it!

  32. It's never cliche' to quote the Bible. NEVER! Yay for you! You are absolutely right about enjoying the moment now for all things you currently have at your fingertips. Embrace it!

  33. We listed our house for sale months ago and people kept telling us that it would sell so quickly because God was in control. It didn't sell quick though. Then we started getting contracts that kept falling through and really questioned God but we waited, not sure what on earth was going on. Then some things happened at my husbands work that is going to give us a huge bonus check. That week we got an offer on our house. Now it makes sense because we have money for a downpayment on a house that we won't grow out of. God has a plan, it just wasn't the timing that we thought was His plan... it's His timing and His way... then it will be unbelievably great.

  34. My friend Becky sent me to your blog this morning and I love this post and your heart for trusting in God even when the outcome isn't what you wanted. What a blessing to live in Hawaii! There are few places in the world that compare!

  35. I must say, I'm thrilled to have found this post. I'm a soon to be military wife that had a nice change of plans for the next station, while it is different from your situation, your verse really helped me better take things in stride. I really hope your husband loves his new job, He has a plan for you both and apparently He's not ready for you to leave paradise ;O) Enjoy and best wishes!


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