I'm an Over-Achieving Sandwich Eater.

After a long weekend away, Chris had the day off on Monday. Such a sweet surprise. The day ahead of us was wide open so we jumped in the Jeep and took off to the North Shore. With its wide expanse of grassy fields, pineapple farms and majestic mountains, this is easily one of my favorite drives on the island.

In Haleiwa, we hit up Chris' favorite sandwich shop, Stortos. And I bit my lip hard after taking a huge bite of my awesome sammie. Just wanted to be a big kid like Chris and take big bites. That'll teach me. 

dress:: {Target}
belt:: {Target}
necklace:: {market in Spain}
sandals:: {lil store in Annapolis , MD}
rings:: {gift from Chris and American Eagle}
nail polish:: {turquoise and caicos from Essie}

After lunch, we hit up the beach for some sunshine and floating in the ocean. Big fan of surprise days off over here. 

I'll leave you with this awkward picture that Chris took as I was clearing the brush away from the wall. No, I'm not peeing, I promise. 

Linking up with Lindsey's What I Wore Wednesday. 



  1. bahahha - that awkward picture is...awesome!!! and i love that dress and the mirror pictures. love you!!

  2. Love that dress! I have the same one from Target and I'd wear it every day if I could. I LOVE dresses with pockets =)

  3. Your little neices & nephews strike a pose like that in the back yard by the big trees...and they ARE PEEING outside! good try lulu

  4. great photos! Those pictures reminded me of our family vacation to Hawaii about 10 years ago!

  5. Haha, I love the last picture. I love your dress. Did you get that recently? My luck it won't be in stores in anymore.

  6. What the hey?! You got that dress at Target??! I am so going tomorrow to snag it. I love it. I for sure thought it was going to be some snazzy hawaiian store where I couldn't get it. but Target? YES.

    And you make me miss Hawaii. Bad. Excited to be there soon.

    And you are too cute. Cut lip and all.

    That is all.

  7. Cute cute pictures! I love that dress, too. Gotta love Target! And love the pictures too, lots of pretty colors!

  8. Love the photos! North Shore is so beautiful, one of these weekends I need to head up there :) Did you know that there's a Storto's in Kaimuki on Waialae? Much shorter drive!

  9. I think you've officially made Target a Wednesday errand for all of us, if I may so boldly speak for just about everyone who stops by.

    Ok. Well, at least it's on my to-do list! :)

    Adorable dress. And love the belt with it.

  10. LOVE that dress...you look so pretty!!! The wall is also a great accessory for that picture...makes the dress pop even more!!

  11. Oh my gosh that last pic... so funny!

    Love that dress lady.

  12. CUTE dress!!

    Biting your lip is the WORST. I hate that!!

  13. I wish I could take a drive through gorgeousness....

  14. your pictures are terrific!!!

    for a moment there i felt like i was sitting in the vehicle with you traveling (again) on a hawaiian hwy (wish).

    cute outfit. target has everything.

  15. Cute dress!!!!! Might have to run to Target after work!

    So glad you are enjoying having Chris home and enjoying the beautiful scenery God has placed you in for the moment!


  16. I love the dress and the amazing pictures of the island!

  17. I love the way you wear vibrant colors! And what a beautiful drive! :)

  18. i la la love the feather dress....i love how all of your outfits are so colorful and happy. they all made me smile!

  19. I love that dress! So glad I found you while searching WIWW posts over at The Pleated Poppy. Your blog is so full of color and happiness. I love it!

  20. well hello lindsay...just found you from today's creative blog. so glad i did. i just moved from MN to VA, so I know a little bit about being uprooted. you live in my favorite spot in the world. the last two years we took our girls to hawaii. fell in love with the magic of the place. i'm also a christian. anyway love your blog. i look forward to getting to know you!

  21. The drive to the North Shore is one of the most beautiful for sure!

    And that last picture..you can be honest. When ya gotta go, ya gotta go. ;)


  22. I can't believe I've never read your blog before. But within 10 minutes of browsing and reading your posts I added you to my "favorite blogs to read" bookmark folder. Love the creativity and vibrance in your painting. And adore the quote from Picasso at the bottom! Genius.

  23. North Shore drive is my favorite too!! No matter how many times we head up that way, I always see new things.. always feel so peaceful!

    WHERE is that turquoise wall??? Haleiwa? I cannot believe I've missed that! Love it.

    We're heading up that way this weekend...I'll have to keep my eyes peeled!

  24. Awesome photos. I love North Shore, especially Waimea Beach. I love jumping off that huge rock.

    Tiera from Side Culture suggested that I check you out and I'm glad that I did. I love supporting local bloggers! Let's do a bloggers meet up!!!

  25. I always love looking at your pictures on Wednesdays...always so gorgeous, as are you! Even if it does look like you are peeing on a wall ;)

  26. Let me be the 1 billionth person to say: I love that dress!!!! So cute. The belt is perfect too. Fun day! It's great seeing more pics of the island!

  27. First off, I am totally going to try that sandwich place next time we get up to the North Shore! My hubby and I love sandwiches, but we've yet to find that really to-die-for sandwich place on Oahu. That might be it! And I love that dress...

  28. I LOVE that town!!! Love cholos! Do you eat there? And of course Matsumoto! Your blog is so fun to read for me!


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