Peanut Butter and Bacon Sandwich

This will never be the blog to find recipes for home made deodorant or vegan/vegetarian anything. In fact,  I'm going to warn you that any recipe I share will most likely not be the healthiest thing you could eat. Sorry.

I'd like to share one of my vices with you today. If you love bacon, stick around.

I first heard about this concoction in middle school while I was listening to the radio. I thought it sounded gross but I was intrigued. So, much to my family's disgust, I tried it. And I've been hooked ever since.

In fact, the first night Chris and I hung out and started moving toward dating, we made these in my parent's kitchen and we stayed up until three in the morning talking on the couch.

So, besides their artery clogging abilities, Peanut Butter and Bacon sandwiches hold a special place in my heart (and stomach!)

This isn't really even a recipe, guys. It's beyond easy to make. 

Fry up your bacon.

Toast two slices of bread, creamy peanut butter on both sides. (It must be creamy, not crunchy to optimize the crunch of the bacon.) Pile on the bacon, while still hot. 

Squish it all down, slice it in half and savor the crispy, creamy, melty goodness. 

Don't judge. 


  1. Hmm, are referring to my blog in the first paragraph by any chance? lol

  2. That was supposed to be "...are YOU referring..."

  3. Hey Stacy,

    I actually read several blogs that have posted home made deodorant recipes. I find it interesting but it's just not the type of thing I'd post on my own blog.:)

    How About Orange is one of them:

    And Pancakes and Frenchfries is another:

    I also have several friends and family members with blogs that post their vegetarian and vegan recipes. Definitely reminds me that I need some more veggies in my diet! :)

  4. I know, I was only joking. :)

    Yep, I got the deodorant recipe from How About Orange after you shared a link to their site a while back.

  5. Funny last night I was watching Cupcake Wars on Food Network and they made a cupcake that had peanut butter and bacon in it. I thought it sounded gross I must confess but perhaps there is something to it.

  6. Oh my! Ok, kind of intrigued...just might have to give it a shot. :)

  7. When I first heard about your peanut butter and bacon sandwiches, I think it was a post about you and chris when you first met, it didn't sound yummy! You actually make it look really good, the last picture doesn't look disgusting, I might have to serve this up for dinner and see what the kids think. They love bacon and they love peanut butter, I might try it on our camping trip this weekend!!!

  8. If I don't like this, sometimes my mom makes me a separate dinner... : )

  9. Oh my.... that looks like a delicious heart attack. I'll just sneak it in with all the holiday over-eating and no one will be the wiser. :]

  10. Hmmm, this sounds interesting....I MAY have to try it....may lol

  11. I'm not sure how I got to this site last week, but this sandwich caught my attention. I had to try it. I expected this to be good. But I was surprised. It was GREAT!

    I expected to like it. But now I feel foolish for never realizing this peanut butter/bacon connection that is clearly meant to be.

    Thank you for sharing! Although this might take a couple of years off of my life.

  12. I just thought I'd write a quick note - try your PB & Bacon Sandwich GRILLED! Mmmmm. :) I make grilled PB instead of grilled cheese all the time for my kids. Throw some bacon on there too, and you have your sandwich just different. :)

  13. Wow. Just made this sandwich for my brother with turkey bacon and it looked and smelled delicious!!! What an awesome combo! Will definitely need to make for my boyfriend he would love it! Thanks :)

  14. My weird sandwich containing peanut butter is with dill pickle slices. Awesome. :)


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