New DIY Dish Towels

I turned my beautiful white and yellow dish towels into new creations the other day. 

It's super easy to do. Just throw in a red tote bag with the laundry and viola! That boring white turns into a fabulous pale pink. 

[Anyone have a ballerina pink kitchen and want some new dish towels to match??]


  1. That's such a bummer! I did that to one of my favorite tops. At least your towels sort of look like pink was their original color even though it wasn't quite the look you were going for!

  2. Oh shoot! I have done that too -- not turning things pink but pale dingy blue. I washed my sons white onesies with a pair of new jeans...oops.

  3. You are so creative without even trying!!! Buy some Rit die and color them anything you want!!!

  4. Yeah, I thought it would be fine to was *brand new* navy blue towels with white ones... What I got was nast pale purple ones. I threw them right back in the wash with some bleach and washed them in cold water... it wasn't that bad afterwards, but it wasn't the white I threw in the wash!

  5. Glad you girls can empathize with my laundry mess-up! :)

  6. Andrew did that once with my only (at the time) pregnant shirt. He has been scared to do the laundry since. :)

  7. Oh no! Well, at least it wasn't a nice white blouse or something..right?? Might be a great cleaning rag...


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