Oh Happy Day.

Two weeks ago today, Chris came home. 'Twas a happy day indeed. Here are some pictures from the day, taken by the fabulous Rachel Kuchar. Check out her suh-weet photography blog here!

The day started out bright and early as the ship was expected at the pier around 9am. I was wide awake, dancing around the house at 6am and on my way to the base by 7:15.

We all attempted to contain our excitement as we waited for our guys to show up.

My friend, Amy, was especially excited as she waited to introduce her beautiful daughter to her daddy for the first time. 

Then finally, we saw the ship headed towards us with sailors in their whites manning the rails. 

I found Chris way on the other side of the ship and he made his way to stand right in front of me as we waited for his turn to come down. 

Once I found him, I couldn't stop looking at him and the smile wouldn't leave my face. 

He finally was able to come down off the ship (it wasn't really that long of a wait... but it felt like it!) and it was all smooching from there on. 

We came up for air eventually. 

And we lived happily ever after.

And now for some housekeeping. I've been getting spam on my comments lately, so I decided to up the comment security. So, now you have to type in a word verification. Sorry guys, I know that's annoying but you'll deal. :) Don't let it keep you from leaving me lots of delicious comments. 

Also, you'll notice that I added an email address over there on the right side. Shoot me an email at aisletoaloha[at]gmail.com if you've got anything you wanna say! I luurvve getting feedback from my readers and this is just another way for you to contact me. 

Have a wonderful Tuesday!


  1. Love it! I've missed your wonderful blog! It's like a refreshing sip of lemonade. Loved your welcome home post with photos... I really loved the one of you laughing while Chris has his arms around you... You are gorgeous! But we've known that all along : ) Welcome home Chris!

  2. Love, Love, LOVE these pictures of your homecoming!!! So happy for you two!!!

  3. these pictures are amazing!! so happy he is home :)

  4. these pictures are wonderful ! it seems a scene of a film!
    you are so sweet!!

  5. Adorable! I love the one with him dipping you! I can imagine how happy you were to finally get him in your arms!

    ps- did your friend have her baby while they were deployed??

  6. Yay! So happy Chris is home & you like the pictures too!

  7. Girl, you have GREAT hair and I love the shoes in these pics! : )

  8. These are the cutest and sweetest pictures ever! You look beautiful!! So glad he is home with you now!
    Happy 4th of July!

  9. AWWWWWwwwww!!!
    You two are SOOOOO cute!!!
    {I know I just said it, but I had to say it again!!!}
    Those are BEAUTIFUL photos!!!!
    I love your matching leis!! So sweet!
    and can I just add: I LOVE your outfit!!! That dress is beautiful and your shoes are SOO amazing!!!!!!!
    I hope you two live happily ever after!! :)

  10. ahh! this made me cry! so sweet… my husband is joining the navy as a chaplain. he's been away for 8 weeks to chaplain school, & i am about to fly out for his graduation. deployments are rough (i can only imagine) but homecomings are oh so nice! blessings to you!!

  11. you are adorable and i LOVE your photos! The happiness on your and Chris' face is priceless:)

  12. This post completely made me cry. You looked so happy, and so beautiful.

    Hope you find your dress soon!


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