Randomness on a Tuesday

A few random tidbits before the start of a hectic day...
  • My parents come in tomorrow! I'm excited to show them around our new home here in Hawaii and I'm especially excited for them to have a relaxing vacation. I have to admit, it's going to be a little strange being an 'only' child for 10 days. Also, since it's my house, my mom can't make me eat green beans. I'm really excited about that. ;)

  • I bought a box of Oreos the other day. Happy girl. 'Nuf said. 

  • A new friend, Megan and I went to the Salvation Army thrift store yesterday. I was a bit sad because the desk I wanted would clearly not fit into the back of my little Hyundai Elantra. But I did find this guy: 
Curious about what he'll turn into? Come back another day and I'll show you!

  • I forgot to put the trash out again today. Thankfully, I did set it out last week before I left for Japan (and an anonymous kind neighbor put it back under my car port for me!). But this is about the 12th time I've forgotten to put it out on a Monday night. Whooops!
  •  Chris is still stuck in Japan. No one knows how long the ship will be there. For now, it makes me happy because I've been able to get phone calls almost every day, talk to him on facebook chat and email with him pretty regularly. He's doing well and was even able to get off base for a real church service a few days ago! Thanks for all your prayers for my husband as he is away. We both appreciate them greatly.
  • We've been married for 10 months today. It's been amazing and I've loved every minute of being Chris' wife. Wow... how time flies!!

Well, I have a long day of cleaning the house, doing tons of laundry, shopping at the commissary (yuck),  and perhaps working on a few projects ahead of me. So, I bid you adieu and I'm off to start my day!


  1. cute photo!! who was your photographer?

  2. Hey Heather, My photographer was Stacey Prosper. She's actually my second cousin and we got her fresh out of photography school. She did a great job! Here's her website-- www.staceyleephotography.com


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