A Productive Day (read: God's blessings abound!)

If we are friends on the Book, you may have seen that I've been having passport issues this week. I sent in an application to change my name on my passport about 5 weeks ago. At that point, I didn't know when I'd be going to visit with Chris, so I just prayed that it would get here in time. On Friday, I received a letter in the mail saying that the photos the Post Office took were overexposed and could not be used. Let's just say that Friday was not a good day as I spent the day at the Post Office, on the phone with the National Passport Agency and crying tears of anger and frustration on the phone with my mom & dad.

I got an appointment with the Honolulu Passport Agency for this morning and asked my bud Erika to go with me since I'm awful at driving places I've never been. Bless her heart, she cheerfully agreed to go with me. I was worried I wouldn't be able to find the place, but thankfully I didn't have that problem.

Here's why:

I don't think anyone could miss the building. 

I know that many people were praying over my passport announcement this morning. If you were one of those people, THANK YOU.  I was expecting to wait for at least an hour, perhaps even a few hours. I was also expecting to pay 160 buckaroos since they told me I'd have to pay for the application all over again. Not only did I only wait about 20 minutes for my appointment, they also credited my application fee that I had already paid and they ended up saving me $100 !! Praise God! I'll be going to pick up my new passport on Wednesday!

Erika and I also went to the mall in search of cold weather clothes. I don't own any closed toed shoes and was hoping to find a cheap pair of boots. I already own a pair but they are back home in Maryland.
God's blessings continued when I found these for $1!!

Not the prettiest of boots, but you can't beat a dollar!

I also bought this hat. Cute, yeah? 


  1. Yippee!! Hooray for no tsunami, for passports working out, for cheap boots, and cute hats!! And hip, hip hooray for a visit with your hubby soon!! So excited for you!!

  2. So glad you survived the tsunami and that things are working out with your passport!! Hope you have an amazing time with Chris!


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