Bedroom Phase One: Curtain Call

Remember my plans to give our bedroom (and backyard) a face lift? Well, the jury is still out on what to do with that patio table, but I've started Phase One in the bedroom.

Somehow, the majority of our house has ended up with some scheme of blue and green. It's soothing and invigorating all at the same time. Here's a glimpse of the room right after we moved in:

(Love that quilt made my sister-in-law, Jen, but just not right for the bed!)

Boooring. After going through a few different bedding options, I decided on a plush white comforter. I bought a few colorful pillows for the bed and decided on some great curtains from Pier One. 

So, here's how I tackled that. I bought a curtain rod at Ross for $13.99. Great deal compared to the ones at Target for over $25!  Only problem was, it was this color:

Um, gross. So, I spray painted it black. I already had some extra spray paint laying around from this project, so all I did was rough it up a little with some sand paper and spray that baby. Perfect! 

Now I had to tackle getting the curtain rod up. Not a one woman job (at least not for this woman). So, I asked a friend to come over. Not only did she help with handing me screws and drill bits, but she took these lovely pictures to prove to the world that I indeed can use power tools. 

It was a pretty easy procedure and I think they look fabulous! 

So far, it hasn't fallen on my head, so I think it's pretty successful! There's still   more to do to the room before Chris comes home. We don't have a dresser, I have empty frames on the wall, and I'm still trying to decide if I should go through the trouble of painting the walls. Plus, I'm scouring Etsy for some more awesome pillows. Maybe something patterned like this or this.

Stay tuned for more updates!

P.S. Plans for Operation Visit Hubby have been changed a bit and we are working on figuring some things out. Please pray for us as we make decisions on the best way to get me there for a sweet reunion!


  1. Look at you go, girlie! I am super impressed!!

  2. I am so glad I read this post, I could not remember the website where they sold homemade items and you just clued me in. I have been looking for some black and white damask pillows all over town with no luck and here they are ready to be shipped right to my door. Your curtains are beautiful, good job. I vote for the green damask but I love damask print stuff!!

  3. Love the room makeover! :) I also love having internet so I get start to get used to seeing more of your pictures!!! They're great! I loved seeing your sketches, too. I think I like the one of the sitting legs the best :) Very cool.


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