for the chronically indecisive and almost legally blind: a david kind review

I donned my first pair of glasses when I was in second grade. I still remember picking out that first pair-a lovely shade of lavender. They're tucked away in storage somewhere-- well worn and a little bit bent from many days on the playground, reading stacks and stacks of books, and falling asleep in them occasionally. I've owned countless pairs of glasses over the years, as my prescription and style have both changed. So, me and glasses have a pretty long history together.

My prescription is pretty severe and if I'm not wearing glasses or contacts, I can't see anything more than three feet from my face. Glasses aren't just a hipster fashion statement over here. They are ridiculously necessary for me not to spend my days bumping into walls and tripping down stairs. Or kissing strange men. I dream of the day when I can get laser surgery and be rid of glasses and contacts altogether. But until then, I'm so thankful for the modern innovations we have at our hands (er, eyes?) these days.

 So that's why I was super stoked when David Kind reached out to ask if I'd be interested in a review. They're a company that has been on my radar for awhile, and I'm sure you've seen them too.

 For a chronically indecisive person such as myself, their free home try-on kit is a genius idea. They have some really gorgeous frames to choose from-- unique and colorful, to classic and neutral. I got to choose a few frames that I thought I'd like to try, and my David Kind stylist, Laura chose a few. They arrived in a beautiful box, and I spent six days wearing them around the house, consulting my in-home stylists (Silas and Chris), and debating which pairs worked best for my lifestyle and face. No hemming and hawing in front of walls and walls of frames. Plenty of time to poll Instagram and change my mind a dozen times.

 I was really impressed with the quality of frames, and especially blown away by the attention by the David Kind team. I just got an email saying that the frames I chose shipped last night with my prescription lenses, and I can't wait to show you which ones made the cut.

PS. How hilarious is Silas in those frames? He was hamming it up that day and cracking me up!


  1. How was the trying on process for you? I badly need my glasses as well, so I have trouble trying on frames without my prescription in them. I always bring my husband with me for his opinion since all I see is blur.

    Now that I think that one through, I should get a better consultant to come with me since my husband is color blind.


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