hello sunshine.

I was looking through some blog posts from when Silas was tiny, and I realized that I used my DSLR to capture his tinyness much more than I do with Delia. Most of my pictures of her since birth are taken with my phone, which is okay, but I forgot how much I loved capturing Si with my "big" camera. So, I've been taking it out a little bit more this week. Usually it just evolves into Silas stealing it to take blurry "pitchers" of the ceiling and walls.

But yesterday, while I was changing the bed sheets from our winter flannels to our light and airy spring sheets, the sun was shining in our bedroom just right and the kids were rolling around on the fresh linens. I grabbed my camera and abandoned the bed making in exchange for a few minutes of recording those tiny toes and silly faces forever.

This winter hasn't been exactly picturesque. Bundled up in mismatched layers, cold snotty noses, and more snow than I ever want to see again in my life. But it seemed as if the light at the end of the long, dark, cold tunnel finally appeared yesterday. We sat outside on the (snow-free!) front porch and felt the warm sunshine on our faces, played with trucks and chatted with neighbors. Even though the next two weeks will be cold again, that's the little taste of spring I needed to get through.

Delia will be 6 months next week, and I'm trying to figure out where the time went. Many mamas bemoan their babies growing older, but we're just arriving at my favorite baby stage, and I couldn't be happier about it. The way she gazes adoringly at Silas while he dances around for her is enough to make me melt into a goopy puddle on the floor. Those moments alone make me want to have a million more babies.

Today I'm thankful for seasons that come and go. I think God was generous to us when He created winter, spring, summer and fall. They're a great reflection and reminder of the fleeting seasons of our lives. The exhaustion of newborn babies, the lunacy of toddler tantrums. They're this big hurdle in the moment, completely consuming. And then the sun breaks through the clouds, and you head into a season of baby giggles, and sweet toddler conversations, and maybe a little more sleep, if you're really fortunate. And I've got to say, life is good in the sunshine.


  1. Your children are both so precious, with their rosey cheeks. Love these!

  2. Nothing compares w/a DLSR.. btw, what side of the family has red hair running thru the genes? gorgeous eyes!.


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