
We celebrated Silas' second birthday on Sunday. Poor guy has his two year molars coming in, but that didn't stop him from totally reveling in all the birthday fun. We had my brother, sister-in-law, and their brood of four in for the week, so it was an automatic party right from the get-go.

We repeated our 'tradition' from last year of laying low and celebrating the day without any frills or attempts at being Pinterest-y. The night before felt almost like Christmas, as Chris and I assembled his new basketball hoop, wrapped new books and PJs, and baked a cake. I have a feeling that my kids' birthdays are going to become my favorite holidays of the year. 

We started the day with a big breakfast of waffles, eggs, breakfast sausage and fruit, and ended it with a lobster feast. None of the adults were very bothered that the kids couldn't be convinced to try the lobster-- they were perfectly happy with their hotdogs and corn-on-the-cob. 

Last year, on his first birthday, I was overwhelmed by the emotions that came from reflecting back on my first year as a mama. This year, I was just happy to soak up my sweet boy in all his two-year-oldness. He's changing constantly, and even came down from his birthday nap saying "Yeah" instead of his usual affirmative "Uh-huh". His floppy hair is bleached blonde from the summer sun, and I think his eyes might be heading a little more towards a blue hue than the bright green of his daddy's. And in just six weeks or so, he's bound to seem even older and bigger when he becomes a big brother for the first time. 


  1. It seems like you just had him!... btw, from the photo, it looks like this delivery may be faster than Silas's... they say w/each subsequent preg., the labor is faster/shorter... I know mine was... had the last two in 1 1/2 hr. to 1 hr. on the dot!. :-)

  2. Great Birthday Photos! He seems so happy to blow out those candles. I hope he got a bike :)

  3. happy birthday to your sweet boy! this age is one of my favorites... I love to watch them grow and discover.


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