bump style: 35 weeks

Sheesh, I haven't posted a bump style post since 28 weeks. Sometimes it's just easier to have Chris snap a picture on my phone and post it to Instagram than to take pictures, edit them, and write out a blog post. So, if you want to see some of the ways I dressed my bump in the last seven weeks, hop over and follow my Instagram account.

As I type, I'm almost 36 weeks, and I'm sitting on a yoga ball. Last week, my midwife said to me, "Let's get this show on the road!" Sweet words to hear. So, she gave me all kinds of homework to get my body ready and starting to progress. 

When I had Silas, my labor lasted 30 hours, he was almost 10 lbs, and I had a C-section. (read more about his birth story here). This time around, we're shooting for a VBAC, and thankfully, I've got a great midwife who is totally on board with that. I'm not trying in any way to redeem Silas' birth story, and in fact, it doesn't bother me at all that his arrival came via C-section. What I would love to do is avoid another surgery, and the awful recovery that comes with it-- especially in a three-story house and with a toddler! 

Just like with Si's arrival, my expectations are pretty much out the window. I'm not writing a birth plan, and even though I have some thoughts on how I'd like to see things go (I'd love to labor in the tub, we'll see how long I can go natural, and yeah, a VBAC would be fabulous), I'm perfectly content with whatever happens, as long as we are both healthy at the end. 

I'm tired, but not miserable. There's a lot of waddling going on, and hearing Si grunt and "oof!" as he gets off the couch makes me laugh as I realize he is mimicing his mama. Even through the discomforts, aches, pains and exhaustion, pregnancy is still pretty amazing to me, and feeling her arms and legs slide across my belly still makes me stop and savor. But I'm definitely ready to get this show on the road already, and meet this babe already...

what i'm wearing:: denim vest:: {gap} //  tank:: {asos maternity} // skirt:: {she inside} // necklace:: {c/o nspottery} // sandals :: {these from asos} // see my 35 week bump with Silas


  1. LOVE this outfit! I am 20 weeks pregnant and on the look out for cute clothes I can wear--thank you for sharing! <3

  2. You look amazing! I hope your VBAC works out for you :)

  3. Would love to hear what your midwife has you doing to prepare. I am pregnant with number 6 and have had 3 different midwives throughout my different pregnancies. Always interesting to swap ideas.

  4. You look gorgeous!!! You're not far at all from meeting your precious little girl!

  5. Oh my goodness- so much cuteness here! You look like you stuffed a basketball under your shirt- since the rest of you looks normal. Gorgeous! And I hope the VBAC goes well. You can do it!

  6. Love your flexible plan. That is the best way to enter into the birthing process. Knowing what you want but with real expectations that things might not exactly go the way we plan. After all birth is just the first step into our kids being the ones who are really in charge (wink wink). Praying for a successful VBAC and healthy momma and baby in the end!

    Also, I now NEED a denim vest. You rock your bump like no one I've seen. Stunning.

  7. you are absolutely gorgeous! and all belly. i first "met" you when you were at this stage with silas. love reading about your fambam. :)

  8. Ah, you look amazing! Love everything about your outfit - that skirt! Good luck with everything!

  9. Lindsay, I totally feel you on this one. I'm almost 36 weeks too and though I love being pregnant and am trying to enjoy it, I'm also ready to get this show on the road soon. Maybe another 2-3 weeks :)

  10. So adorable!! Can't wait for baby girl's arrival! :)


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