spring break.

Chris has been on spring break this past week. We wrote out a long list of to-dos on our kitchen chalkboard, hoping to get a bunch of house projects done while he was home. 

Fix the kitchen tiles that are popping up. 

Get the backyard and gardens prepped for planting this spring. 

Sharpen the kitchen knives. 

Hang up artwork that's been hanging around for nine months. 

Strip the wallpaper in the office. 

Yeah, I had high hopes for that list. 

We  (meaning, Chris) got one finished (our master bathroom sorely needed some updated fixtures), but the rest of the list is about to get erased today and scrapped for later this spring. 

Despite being moderately unproductive this week, it was pretty wonderful to have Chris around. The early mornings with Silas are a little less painful when I have a partner to chug a mug or two of coffee with me. And Si's silly antics are a little bit funnier when Chris is there to snicker next to me. 

Our week included giant donuts on Sunday morning from the Donut King, the beginning stages of spring cleaning,  many mornings of delicious breakfasts (pancakes! waffles! bacon! smoothies!), and plenty of chill time and wrestling matches with Daddy. Plus a little bit of bump watching, as this baby grows. 

Chris said to me the other day, "You look gooood, babe!" And I feel good. Just out of my first trimester-- still exhausted all the time, but starting to look more pregnant and feel more pregnant, just without all the swollen limbs and  heartburn. Oh dang, the heartburn is definitely something I could do without this time around. 

So for the last few days of Chris' break, we'll be fitting in as many slow-start mornings, lazy afternoons, and sunshine soaking as we can (and I might be sneaking in a solo shopping trip later this afternoon). I've embraced the fact that our kitchen knives aren't going to be sharpened this week, and the garden outside won't be prepped for spring planting. But maaaybe we can fit in a little day trip on Saturday, and maaaaybe I can convince Chris to make another donut run on Sunday. And that will be "productive" enough for me. 


  1. As much as I love making to-do lists, I rarely complete the entire list. Probably because I always add stuff to the bottom. Your spring break sounds relaxing and I'm glad you're beyond the first trimester swollen symptoms and the like. Enjoy your lazy afternoons and DK donuts! Cheers to warmer weather and productive enough days!

  2. Those doughnuts are HUGE. Getting to-do lists done with toddlers is impossible. I have just put everything I need to do in one pile in an attempt to get it done this evening - the joys of paper work! I'm pretty sure nether of my boys will give me long enough to go through it all though! xx

  3. You're doing better than us, we moved into our new home and were shocked to find out I was pregnant with baby #5 the next day. Between a full time job and being exhausted I'm surprised we even got moved in! Now we have 5 weeks left and the clock is ticking… SO much to do!

    1. wow! That is crazy timing, Courtney! Congrats on #5-- sounds like you've got a rich, full life there.

  4. you look m-ave-lous!.... seriously, u are one of the few that has bounced back so fast after having a baby.. and I think I told u before, you have a definite new look!.. mamahood agrees w/you.

  5. He's right--you are looking good! I'm impressed that you even got one thing done during Chris' Spring Break. Time off should be just that, time off!

  6. I always find it hard to get chores done, especially when the hubby is around cuz all I wanna do is hang out with him! Congrat's on baby number 2! we are expecting our second son in May~


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