bump watch:: 14 weeks

We took advantage of the spring temperatures on Saturday and ventured out to explore a new park. With perfect views of Boston skyline, and lots of space to run, it's bound to be a go-to picnic spot this summer. I'm just ready for green grass and blue skies again. 

jacket:: {francesca's}
button down:: {target}
tank:: {target}
necklace:: {dear mushka}
boots:: {c/o lulu's}

Today I'm officially in week 14 of this pregnancy, which means week two of second trimester. This time around has been so vastly different than last time. For starters, when we found out we were pregnant with Silas, it was after a bit of a struggle and was so long- awaited. (You can read more about that story here). With this baby, I was expecting another long wait for those two lines and was caught by surprise when we got pregnant just a few months into trying. So that might be why things have felt less real and I've almost been in denial about the whole thing. 
It may also have to do with the fact that I barely any nausea this time around. With Silas, I couldn't even hear Chris say the word 'chicken' without feeling sick. But during this second pregnancy, I've only been a bit queasy and mostly just starving all the time and extremely tired. Which I'll take over pukey any day. But I guess the absence of that nausea has made this pregnancy seem a little less real to me. No complaining here. 

And then there's the fact that I'm trying to keep up with a 19 month old each day, and I don't have the luxury of laying on the couch to feel every growing pain and stretching ligament like I did last time. 

But that belly decided to pop out this week and oh boy, I can't deny that there's a baby in there. And we got to see him or her during an ultrasound a few weeks ago and that perfect little profile was more than enough proof for me that our lives are about to change again in a wild and awesome way. 


  1. I love love love this outfit! You look great.

  2. You have the cutest family. Congrats on baby number 2:) I love your blog.

  3. Im a few weeks ahead of you with #2. It was WAY easier to get pregnant this time, like we werent even trying (we have a 17 month old too) oops! But a very good oops! But I had that same denial because it was a surprise, I totally couldnt believe it. I was the opposite and way more sick the first trimester this time. Maybe this means we are having a different gender? Or maybe not, ha. Now that I am past the sick hump it seems to be flying by and I am way less sell absorbed. Its kind of nice. I cant wait to have a little sibling for my son. Its going to be a crazy year! You look great, cant wait to read more preggers posts. Oh and I work part time from home too and always wonder how you get your things done. We are down to one nap and that really has cut my day work time down.

    1. Ah, lately, I'm not getting much done at all, to be honest. It's tough to have any energy for productivity during naptime, which is when I usually do my blog or shop work. Sometimes I just have to push through the exhaustion with the help of some caffeine if it's work I really need to do! Congrats on #2!

  4. praying for sunny skies and warmer weather for you! Im a Texas girl and last week was our first sunny and warm week in a long time - I didn't realize just how much I was craving sunshine until it came. Im trying to cherish these days before we start getting 100+ degree weather. your outfit is precious, but then again it always is. So glad you are feeling good with baby #2! You're looking great! Are y'all finding out the gender this time?

    1. Yes, we find out the gender at the end of April! Cannot wait!!

  5. You look fabulous! Cant wait to see that cute bump in person :) Love you!

  6. That bump is so cute! and Silas is so adorable, I bet he'll be a fantastic big brother!

  7. You are just the cutest pregnant lady!!! :-)

  8. Hi Lindsay, wanted to say you look so cute. And by the way, I'm exactly 15 weeks pregnant, which I believe we are at the same week mark. Blessings to you and your family! -Sara Spurlock

  9. your little family is so cute, & you rock that baby bump! :)

  10. You look so stinking cute with that bump!!!

  11. So, I discovered your blog about a month ago while I was looking up maternity styles on Pinterest. I rabidly consumed all of your previous pregnancy posts (your encouragement to not have too much of a birth plan because ANYTHING can happen was extremely great for me to read) but I was kind of sad that they were older posts. But I just clicked back to your blog today and tah-dah! You're pregnant too! And due in September like I am! And you're a transplant to New England like me, too (it's a little weird up here, don't you think?) so I am so so excited to follow your blog super regularly and be on this journey right along with you.

    1. Ha, that's awesome. So glad you found the blog and glad I timed my second pregnancy just right for you. ;)

      And yes, this winter has been a rough one to be our first one in New England! Looking forward to some WARMTH!


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