links I liked.

My mind and heart have been pretty busy processing the thoughts I posted on Wednesday, and I haven't accomplished much more than packaging a few orders, keeping Silas from eating playdough, and sneaking in several hundred tickle fests with him this week. 

But I've been browsing on my phone, and these are some of my favorite links from the week. 

Kim just released her new wire headband collection. "Memaw's Curtains" is by far my favorite of the fabrics choices. 

I can't wait to pull of stunts like this with Chris when Silas is older.  We'll need to expand his dino collection. 

The audio recordings for the 2013 Influence Conference are live and available for purchase! If you didn't attend and you're thinking of purchasing one or two of the recordings, my recommendations would be Hayley's talk on lies we believe, Annie's on why our words matter , or Jessi's feminine influence talk.  

I'm sure you'll see it in an outfit post soon, but I just bought the coziest plaid flannel scarf from EclecticJoy. I bought one for Si too, and he looks like a cute little European kid when he wears it. If you like pretty, cozy things, you should shop there. 

This weekend, I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and taking an analog weekend. I'm setting aside my phone and spending more time with my boys. To be honest, it's going to be tough, but I'm excited to slow things down a little, maybe pick up a book,  sketch just for the heck of it, and spend more time face to face with my boys. 

If you're looking to be encouraged today, I think this post is a great place to start. Ashlee shares the things in life that she does, and doesn't do, and there is so much freedom in her post. Also, her blog is inspiring me to pick up my real camera more this weekend. 

Alrighty, friends. I'd say I'm sorry that I wasn't around here more this week, but I'm not. Some weeks are just quiet and that's okay. Next week, I'll be sharing another fall outfit and some Black Friday deals that you won't want to miss. 


(PS. None of these links are sponsored. Just so you know.)


  1. Hi Lindsay, been following your blog for quite some time :). Love your posts. I can't not comment about the link with the dinosaurs. So great.. That is SO something my husband and I would do to! How creative and entertaining for the whole family!

    Hope you had a nice weekend,


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