introducing a new blog series on instagram!

Social media is a phenomena that I never really grasped until I became a blogger and small time business owner in 2009. For some reason, I was adamantly against Twitter and didn't join for a few months after I started my shop. I quickly found fellow business owners and bloggers to discuss strategy with, military wives that understood the tough schedule our family dealt with, and friends to chat with and support. I was won over to social media and the power that it held to connect people.

On the morning that Instagram became available for Android users, I remember lying in bed reading the announcement and immediately clicking 'install'. I didn't know what I was in for. I've fallen in love with the process of creating bright and colorful photos to share. I've found literally hundreds of other creative people like myself and many of those people have become good friends. I've been able to connect with my fellow bloggers in the smallest moments of our days. 

This is the first post in a series I'll be posting about Instagram. It's become a huge part of my life and I hope that this series will be not only helpful to you in practical ways, but also inspirational. The posts to come will cover everything from my favorite editing apps, tips and tricks to getting well-lit, beautiful photos, ways to print and share your photos, a giveaway from Stickygram, and of course I'll be sharing many of my favorite Instagrammers. 

I'd love to hear from you-- are there any topics (specific or broad) that you'd like to see me cover during this series? 

If you'd like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here! 


  1. I'd love to know how you achieve some of your great photos that are light and airy. Is that all with your phone and IG filters?

  2. How are people posting not-square pictures on IG? That's what I need to know. Love your pictures!

  3. I'm so excited for this series. Your photos are always great and I would love to know your tips/tricks for better lighting. You can find me at

  4. I'm so excited about this!! I'm a huge fan of Instagram, and I can't wait to learn more about it from you…Thanks so much for always being such an inspiration!!


  5. Ever since the panel at Influence, you've inspired me to me more intentional on capturing a story with my Instagram pictures... I haven't started yet, but you better bet as soon as I move I will sure try to embrace it! Excited to follow your new series friend.


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