
If you're like me (a blogger, shop owner, IG addict), I wonder if these following thoughts will resonate with you. 

In the past few weeks, I've become painfully aware of how much time I spend scrolling through Instagram while Silas plays next to me. Or how often I mindlessly open my lock screen, just to see what's going on, even if I did the same thing three minutes earlier. It's a habit that is starting to take over my days and I'm becoming weary of it. 

I love the online community, the inspiration I find there and the creative people I've connected with and grown close to. But I'm weary of spending so much time staring at a screen when I should be focused solely on my baby boy or the conversation that I'm floating in and out of with Chris. 

I'd love to hear your thoughts on balancing your online life and home life. How do you remain present at home with your kids, husband, and friends, but maintain an active presence online? 

For a few weeks now, I've felt the tug to join with Hayley for an 'analog weekend'. You can read more about her decision to disconnect on the weekends here. I'll probably still capture some moments with my camera, but I won't be uploading them to Instagram the second they happen. I want to enjoy our trip to the strawberry patch without inviting the whole blog community. And I want Chris to have my full attention with each conversation. 

(The photo above is one reason why I love having my phone on me all the time. I adore the moment captured and I think I'm going to have to print this one off nice and big to hang in our new home.) 

PS. Just picked the winner for the Seek First giveaway! Anna from Navarre Charm is the winner! Congrats Anna! Just sent you an email! If you didn't win-- feel free to pop over to Seek First and use the code HELLOHUE for 20% your order! 


  1. I try and leave my phone on the counter or in my purse during dinner/bath times once I get home from work. People will call if they really need us. It helps.

  2. that's a great shot lindsay! & it's a tough line to walk. i'm at the office during the day, so it's easier to stay connected without diverting my attention from my husband and children (since they're not here with me). over the past few months, i've really tried to be aware of NOT being on my phone when i get home from work. i'll leave it in my purse until after the littles are in bed for the evening. then i'll take it out to check my mail just to make sure there's not anything important, and then i put it away again. maybe you could set up different times during the day to check it? like during silas' nap only? and maybe limit it to 30 minutes at a time? it's tough for sure; hope you figure something out! (sorry for the novel!)

  3. I notice that this is an issue for a lot of people. For me, I pretty much check twitter, fb, blogs and instagram when I'm really not doing much of anything. Also, pretty much ALL day while I'm at work. haha I tend to stay off of my phone/computer while I'm with family or friends. I have sooo much to catch up on when I come in to work on Monday after hardly reading anything online during the weekend. I think it is super important for you to have your phone on your at all times because you have a family AND you want to catch those super cute faces that lil boy makes! At least you're aware you're doing it, and your loved ones aren't begging for your attention. If that happens, I think that'd be so scary.

    I think you're a great mom and wife! :)

  4. Why not try something like a Technology free Tuesday? x

  5. I have a really hard time with it. And I've been really struggling with it too? Have you read the blog post "How to Miss a Childhood" by Hands Free Mama? Read it here, it will totally convict you in a good way, lol :) http://www.handsfreemama.com/2012/05/07/how-to-miss-a-childhood/
    I am so afraid of missing all the little moments because my head's stuck in my phone. I guess we have to find a balance but sometimes I don't even know where to start. ??? For me, I have to literally TURN OFF my phone or else I'll still be "connected" to it. All the alerts, etc., they are so darn distracting. We can do this!

    1. Off to read that post-- thanks for the link, Heather!

  6. I'm torn because I love having my phone with me to capture the moments, but I hate that I constantly checkcheckcheck for no reason and when nothing is happening. I decided this weekend, starting tonight at 6pm, I'll do my own analog weekend. No Instagram, no Facebook, no blogging. I can still have my phone with me to capture the moments and play games while I'm nursing (but that gets boring sometimes lol) but I won't be checking into social media, which are my worst vices.

  7. Oh Lindsay... this post really resonates with me today. I find myself floating in and out of conversations with my husband and others - all because I'm checking my phone way too often or thinking of something else. Since I'm so far away from my family and friends (that I've grown up with) I feel like I need to be attached to my phone, so they know how I'm doing and I know how they are. It's tough to just let go from time to time.

    You have inspired me to take a more active roll in actually living my life - not just pinning and instagraming every moment and inspiration.

    p.s. Love that photo!!

    1. Thanks for your comment! Glad to know I'm not alone in this. I agree that being far from friends and family makes it harder to completely disconnect. I don't think I'd be able to completely forgo my social media connections, but taking a break every now and then is a must.

  8. My husband and I unplug our router in the evenings. I'm at school/work all day and he's working 12-14hr days. When we are home for dinner the router is unplugged and we spend time together playing with our excited Labrador.

  9. This is something we all struggle with today, especially us bloggers. So I have set boundaries for myself. First of all, I don't have a smart phone. WHAT?! I know. But that means when I am doing something, I am DOING SOMETHING. I also don't do instragram. I have it (on my husband's phone) and I use it, but merely to capture the pictures to download and share later. That keeps everything in one place for the most part -- facebook. Little things like this have made a huge difference for me. (But I do have to say, every year when I go to get my new phone I get quite a lot of shocked looks when I say, "Really, I just want the dumb phone, not the smart one." And I live in the Silicon Valley of all places -- HA!)

    1. Wow, Tiffany, kudos for sure! I think we all have different levels where we feel comfortably connected and it's definitely hard to go backwards from being 100% connected to the online world. I'm thankful for a smartphone in instances when Chris is overseas and I can get emails from him right away, but it definitely would be freeing to not own one at times, I'm sure!

  10. This is such a great idea and much needed in my life right now <3

  11. I have been feeling soooo convicted about this very thing. I realized that I was telling my son to "hold on a second" while I mindlessly scrolled through IG to see what so and so was making for dinner that night. Someone I don't even KNOW! What has this world come to? I'm contemplating deleting my IG account altogether. I'm not sure that moderation will really happen (with me). I'm off to read about the Analog Weekend challenge...

    1. Oh man, you are not alone, Kristen. I'm not prepared to delete IG yet, but I'm excited to see how I do with this analog weekend. I'm pretty sure I haven't had more than a one day break in my IG photos for over a year! Yikes!

  12. i totally agree that i need a weekend to disconnect as well! i am way too into my phone and capturing every moment on it sometimes ignoring my baby boy or husband - not good!! but i am soo glad you had your phone to capture this amazing picture!! :) enjoy your weekend off!! :)

  13. I try to make sure that when Izzy and I are home together we both keep our computers shut off. I think disconnecting on the weekend if a great way to make sure you're getting in family time.

  14. Oh, I so know how you feel! It's like I know I shouldn't be glued to my phone (or computer), yet I can't help it! I wouldn't mind an "analog weekend" either. That is, if I can convince my husband to join me! :)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I know exactly how you feel and went through the same thoughts the other week. Children grow so quickly, my youngest is now 18 months old and 2 days a week her 2 brother are both in school all day and this has made me really think about things. When the boys were her age I wasn't really into facebook etc but past 2 years I've really become 'hooked'. In march my hubby went to afghan and that really made.me sit back and think do I really want to spend my time being on my phone when I could be spending this time watching my children grow, and being the only one to do this and then report back to hubby on their development. With fb I really have cut back-I post more photos then anything, and on instagram well that has never been much for me.
    I did feel much better cutting back on time on phone! Xx

  17. One thing I have done for myself is I made a rule a couple years ago that I couldn't touch my computer unless it was nap time or my kids were in bed. This helped a ton. I also make a conscious effort not to touch my phone at all, except to capture a picture, when my kids and I are playing or doing something. And I also wait until the moment is over to upload the picture to instagram...it's not like people know that you uploaded a picture from the park an hour later when you got home. I think stepping back is a decision that takes a conscious effort to do.

  18. I think that's a great idea! I probably shouldn't admit this, but sometimes I check FB, IG, and Twitter 10 times in just a matter of a few minutes. I should check out of social networks for a few days every once in a while. I will miss seeing pictures of your little man :)

  19. we have a rule that there are no phones ever at the dinner table or when with friends. This rule has been around since I was a child! My parents told us we were never to answer our then house phone if it rang. It has stuck with me ever since. All about spending time with the ones that are right there in front of you, not the ones on the phone line so to speak. As much as I like knowing what is going on with others all the time, I have to say I am glad that being a full time teacher, I cannot check my social media till after a long day of teaching. I love instagram as much as the next girl, but hear you when you say to take a break and be with those in front of you while you can! :) What a great reminder and post!


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