this and that.

My week again via Instagram photos:: 

My favorite flowers (orange ranunculus!) from my baby shower
itty bitty shoes
i need a haircut badly
getting ready for my baby shower
making homemade spaghetti sauce
quiet times in the morning
lunch date with Chris
walks at sunset
beach camping
prepping breakfast for dinner!
my last commissary run in Hawaii
a new paint job on mah nails
behind the scenes of my self photography
breakfast and blogging
homemade chocolate chip cookies

(psst, if you want to follow along with my Instagram feed, my username is lindsay_hellohue)

What you don't see from this week are the piles of junk laying around the house waiting to be organized for packing, the vacant spots on the carpet where furniture has been craigs-listed, and our crazy hectic schedule that leaves barely a minute open for the next two weeks. 

Also, Chris rarely makes it into any of my IG pictures because he either makes awkward faces or bans my phone from escaping my bag.... ;) But I promise he's right there, living life right alongside me. 

This weekend is about to be filled with some major soaking up of Hawaii as well as lots of work in the house to get ready for the movers on Tuesday. We'll be marking off some of those things on our aloha list, spending precious time with precious friends aaaaaand going through closets, boxes and drawers in an attempt to make things manageable next week. 

Oh, and we get to see Silas again today, which of course puts a big smile on this mama's face. 



  1. Those flowers! Your belly! Your hair! My husband is the same way. :)

  2. Have fun working on your Aloha List this weekend!

  3. I love those 'ittle shoes, ahhhh! Also, your hoodie color is so perfect (mint?!)

  4. Fun images:)
    I also really like the blog header! It might be new and I'm just behind... but i still like it!

  5. such a fun and bright week :) happy weekend to you friend!

  6. i'm literally craving your blog because it is always so full of beauty.

    love you woman.

  7. lovve the photos so cute ! every one of them !

  8. What a gorgeous blog! What beautiful pictures! You do a great job with your self-portraits, and I am green with envy. Teach me something, hehe! Hope this week is equally beautiful.


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