
Just a little recap of the week. 

savoring Hawaii sunshine
tax prep
pink ombre nails
my new Kelly Moore Mimi bag (more on that next week!) 
downing tums like they're candy
getting dressed (sometimes)
baths, lots of them
pj time with Chris
fresh strawberries ready for the eatin'

In other news, my emotions have been going cuh-razy this week. I've been battling sadness over leaving Hawaii (in less than a month, people!), eagerness to be settled in Florida, self-esteem issues about my growing body, feelings of inadequacy at home and in the blogger world. Aaaand also there might have been one incident where I got unjustifiably mad at Chris for taking a nap and not rescuing me from a cockroach that had me cornered in the kitchen. I foresee some much needed quiet time and prayer in my day to re-calibrate for the weekend. 

Perhaps a bubble bath too. 

Oh, and more chocolate milk. 

happy weekend! 



  1. Replies
    1. um, it is. It's delicious! Kind of time consuming but so tasty.

  2. I love reading your posts, and seeing the pictures you take. You inspire me. :) Sounds kinda cheesy, I know. :) Have a great weekend! :)

    1. May sound cheesy, but it's completely encouraging to me-- so thank you!! :)

  3. Looks like a lovely week (minus the cockroach of course!)
    I am super bummed that you will be leaving Hawaii before we get there, I would love to meet up with you!

  4. The pictures are all so lovely. I can imagine you must be sad to leave Hawaii, but surely you & Chris will make a cozy home in Florida.. and you'll have that sweet little man to distract you plenty, soon enough! The bread looks amazing! YUM. Hope next week is a little less rough. Happy Friday!

  5. Those pink nail polishes look very pretty! Love all of your instagram pictures. I don't think I follow you on Instagram... fixing that now! :)

  6. I just can't imagine why you would be upset to leave Hawaii!? {insert sarcasm}. Florida isn't {that} bad, You will be in PC? I'm not to far from there, only downside is Spring Breakers and tourist traffic {and lots of it}.

    Lovely photos and your little baby bump almost makes me wish to be pregnant again...almost... :0)

    Happy Friday!

  7. I'm sure you won't miss our Hawaiian-size cockroaches! :) I love a good loaf of cinnamon bread, but have never baked it at home ... it looks great.

  8. You should invest in some roach spray - the roaches here in Florida are disgustingly big. yuck! Gives me the shivers just thinking about those nasty things! --- I'm also screaming for the Hubs when there is one around !!!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE that color nail polish! SO pretty!

    I adore your blog! I'm not artsy, or colorful - your blog is always so pretty and colorful, and it's like a mini-getaway every time I read!

  9. Haha the roach story sounds like me!
    What part of fl? I lived there for most of my life so I am partial, but it is pretty amazing. :-)

  10. I love reading your blog! And I love your honesty. It inspires me to be a more open blogger. Keep it up, lady! You're amazing!

  11. yes, i'm going to need to know more about that adorable bag!

  12. Eeeek just wanted to tell you that I'm so glad I found your blog! Your so lovely lady!! Hope your weekend is wonderful :)

  13. Aww Lindsay I'm kinda sad you're leaving Hawaii too...BUT I'm glad you're coming back state side and not another country! I'm totally with you on more devos, its hard to stay focused when so much seems to be changing and stressful I'm sure! Keep up the good work friend!

  14. Awwhh your collage photos are soo cute. Yaay for chocolate milk :)

  15. fine photos :))

  16. i know its probably really hard - but know that i think you are doing great!!! you are such a bright light and will be such a great momma!


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