oh baby:: 21 weeks!

Oh, little boy, how we love you. 

We're thrilled to finally be able to envision our boy and the fun adventures we'll have with him! We're working on deciding on a name, but goodness, it's a lot tougher than I thought it would be to name a human. We decided on a first name last night and I almost cried when we looked at each other and said "yep, that's it." Waiting on the perfect middle name before we share. Soon. 

I've entered the wonderful world of heartburn and reflux. I don't think I ever had heartburn in my life before last week and now I feel yucky after almost every meal. I've been trying to prevent it by avoiding trigger foods like pizza, tomato sauces, chocolate, spicy foods.... but guys, those are all my favorite foods. Sad. Chocolate milk has been my savior (I don't think we've ever gone through a gallon so fast!) as well as Tums and sleeping with two pillows, but this is definitely a no-fun part of pregnancy. 

Speaking of fun. Chris asked me the other day if I was having fun being pregnant. And you know what?

 I totally am. 

I love it. I love seeing my growing belly. I love exploring this new identity of being a pregnant woman, of being a future mom. I love planning for our little guy and oh man, feeling his kicks all.day.long. I can tell that it's something I'm going to miss come August, but I'm hoping that I get to do this gig a few times over again. ;)

It does have its difficult moments though. Like last night after attempting to take some bump pictures, I sobbed on Chris' shoulder. As much as I love seeing this growing belly and knowing our son is being formed in there, it's still difficult to let go of my "old body". It doesn't help that most of my clothes are starting to become really uncomfortable, don't fit like I want them to and it's a frustrating process to find an outfit each day. At least I know now that the outfit I wore for the pictures last night is not flattering and won't be worn again!

(hence, my departure from the normal bump update pics today as I experimented with my new tripod and shot some new ones!)

Ok, so I have two requests:: 

First, please send me links to your favorite inspiring baby/mama blogs. I'm especially loving the blog Band of Brothers  this week!

Also, what are your favorite handmade shops that sell adorable things for little boys? Check out some of my newest favorites in Monday's post! 




  1. I'm 24 weeks pregnant with our second son right now (LOVE HAVING BOYS!), and let me just say that I was nervous about the whole "losing my body" thing too. Not that I wanted to admit it, I felt so shallow, but come on. . .it's hard. But let me just say, I was blessed to be able to nurse exclusively, and I made exercise a priority (it helps to keep in mind how much I want my boy(s) to think of exercise as a "normal" thing. Very motivating!) and it was so much easier than I thought to lose the weight. I got pregnant again when my son was 10 months old and at my first prenatal appointment this time I was 7 pounds less than at my first one the first pregnancy (follow all that? ha). I know I was blessed and that it's not that easy for everyone, but don't let it stress you too much. It may not be as bad as you think =)

    1. Way to go on losing that weight, Hannah! That's seriously so awesome. I'm not sure I'm worried so much about the weight per se (since I know it's something I can control more), but just the body changes in general. I've always been pretty tiny and never had such dramatic changes in my body. Definitely something that I am learning to accept as the weeks go on! It helps to have a husband that thinks (and tells me!) I'm gorgeous as I expand. ;)

  2. My two faves are: http://theellwoodavenuechronicles.blogspot.com/ and http://www.taza-and-husband.blogspot.com/.

    1. Oh, I love Rockstar Diaries, Rebecca! I haven't seen the first blog-- off to take a peek! Thanks for the recs!

  3. I think you look amazing for being so pregnant! And I am sure it is hard to see your body transform like that...but I am sure you will have no problem getting it back after baby is born :)

  4. http://www.etsy.com/shop/micielomicielo

    Has some cute clothes and they're local. I love these photos!

    1. Oh! I've seen her stuff in some boutiques in Kailua! Super cute!

  5. You're looking lovely, hun! Just remember that all of the body changes are for a good cause. I may never be able to wear a two-piece swim suit ever again, but Josiah and Chia (and the many more babies I want) are worth it! :) I haven't seen that blog you mentioned, but oh my goodness, am I obsessed now! FOUR boys?! That's like Chris' family! haha

    1. Ha! Chris' fam has FIVE boys! o_O His mom is a saint. ;)

      And yes, totally worth it. Absolutely. I think it just takes time to process as those changes happen. I wouldn't trade it for the world though.

  6. You are seriously one of the cutest pregnant women, EVER! In every pic you've posted, you've looked gorgeous Lindsay. And, I think that outfit is adorable. But, the changes can be pretty crazy when you're with baby. ;) Can't wait to see what this little mans name is. And, how awesome is Chris? Really.. you're so lucky to have such a supportive husband.

    1. Oh, you are so encouraging, Alyson-- thanks for your sweet words!

      And oh yes, I'm so blessed by that man!

  7. Linds, you are just gorgeous. I'm pretty sure nothing could ever not look good on you :)
    If you are interested, the mamma of the family I nanny for keeps a blog - they had triplets in October last year... who joined their (now) two and five year old - making for a very busy family! Catilin's blog is caitlinshappyheart.blogspot.com.au

  8. you are glowing sweetie!! i hope our baby boys can meet up and play sometime!!!!!!! you will love yours, baby boys and mamas have a special bond! :D

  9. You look great! I think we are due around the same time (I am due August 14th with Baby #3). I have made it more of a priority to look/dress cute this pregnancy because it is our last. With my 1st 2, I felt & looked awful, so with this one, even though I still have morning sickness, I am determined to not complain as much and dress cuter!
    And, on a side note, I gained 50 with my first 2 and lost it really quickly after because of breastfeeding. Not sure if you plan on breastfeeding or not, but it made me drop the pounds! A pleasant surprise & extra benefit if you ask me! :)

  10. I am DYING to know the name you chose! And you look positively beautiful, by the way. Your happiness just shines.

  11. well, you are gorgeous!
    love these sweet photos!

    i depended on your earlier post to find fun boy things...haven't had much luck finding what i like!

    for mama blogs, these are a few faves:

    happy thursday! xo

  12. You look amazing. And I love your nail polish :)

  13. Don't worry, your body will come back in some way, shape or form! I'm 15 weeks pp and feeling awesome about myself. Almost to my pre-pregnancy weight, belly looking tiny... just some scars for the pregnancy (stretch marks and c-section). It's all worth it. And I don't miss being pregnant too much, I don't have time with this little baby to play with!

  14. I am so happy for you. I can't remember how I found your blog, but I've enjoyed it over the past few months. A blog that I LOVE is http://www.memoriesoncloverlane.com/. I love the author's writing and I agree with her on so many of the points she takes on mothering. Let me know what you think about it if you get a chance! :)
    P.S. I just had my third this fall, but I hear ya on the pregnancy clothes thing. When I was pregnant with my first, I had a hard time wrapping my mind around just how big I would get and that I would literally have to buy stuff. I (for some reason) just thought I would wear my flowing shirts and my bigger pants. I wish that I had just bought a few more maternity items earlier. Now, after being pregnant three times I am finally starting to get a semi good pregnancy wardrobe! Oh well! God's blessings on your little boy as he grows!

  15. You look beautiful in these photos! That shirt really makes your bump look so flattering! Love the color!

  16. oh friend...you are growing a HUMAN! don't forget that. you look beatiful in everything you've worn and will wear. seriously, one of my favorite parts of your pregnancy journey on the blog has been how you've let the bump be the main focus!
    love you!

  17. those things gave me heart burn too. I just kept the tums handy!! LOL You look so wonderful!! And though I don't have any boys Band of Brothers is hilarious!!! My sister's piano teacher makes custom car seat covers & grocery cart covers and sells them on Etsy. Once I get her name from my sister I will share!.....they are super cute!

  18. I know what you're going through with all the clothing issues! There is only one pair of pants that I can fit into and the rest I can hardly lift up my hips :( It's hard for us as first time preggos and I'm also now starting to see the sacrifices that we are making and will have to make once the babe arrives. It's all worth it, though of course!

    as far as blogs go, here are some of my faves

    my sis in law's



    And then there's me :) I'm pretty sure I'm in the exact same week of pregnancy as you with a due date of Aug 5th, and I'm also a military wife so we have a few things in common :)

  19. That belly looks ADORABLE! I can't wait to hear what you & Chris have picked out as a name!

  20. Goodness girl, you MUST be crazy! You look fabulous!! I wad lovin the outfit and pics!!! So either I'm crazy or you are...and I don't have raging crazy pregnant hormones....so I'm thinking you are the crazy one = ) YOU LOOK GREAT!!!!!!!!!!

    OK...shameless plug here...I make cute baby boy clothes...here's my etsy show:

    You will miss the kicks....I missed them. SO sweet. Has he had the hiccups? That's fun : ) Have a blast with it and I sure hope the heartburn eases!!!!!

    <3 Stephanie

  21. you are seriously so adorable! (And i love your room btw!) perfect timing for mom blog requests, because I've been looking too!

  22. I am glad you posted this. I feel like I'm somehow being ungrateful when I feel uncomfortable about what is happening to my body. I am so appreciative of the fact I was able to conceive and grow this baby but oh my is it tough sometimes to see the changes.

    I also am running out of things to wear. As much as it would be awesome to get by with non-mat clothes (like some lucky preggos) you'd be surprised how good some mat clothes will make you feel. Nothing worse than trying on five things only for all of them not to fit and end up wearing something that is a little too tight/short etc.

    You look gorgeous though - try to give yourself a break and don't be too hard on yourself for the way you feel. It's normal :-)

  23. Where did you get your cute outfit?!? I hate almost all maternity clothes, but can't really fit in "regular" clothes either. Also found out we're expecting a boy - that little shirt is sooo cute!!! ~ Andi

    1. My shirt is from Cinnamon Girl-- a boutique here in Hawaii and my leggings are just from Charlotte Russe. Just a super comfy loungy outfit! :) Congrats on your boy!!

  24. You are stunning! Congrats on your baby boy!

  25. Congrats on the baby boy! I am due on the 4th of July and it we don't know what we are having. I am drooling over that shirt though.

  26. These are a few of my favorite blogs {and they're all having boys!}:
    Bethany @ l&b: http://leeandbethany.blogspot.com/
    T @ agape: http://becomingone.tumblr.com/
    AP @ I Love You More than Carrots: http://www.iloveyoumorethancarrots.com/

    AP has a little boy, too, so she's a great resource for shops to buy things for little boys!

  27. I hear ya sister:)
    I love this website, http://ashleyannphotography.com/blog/ !! Ashley has three boys and a girl and an adopted little girl on the way and if that weren't sweet enough Katie Daisy designed her site. It's pretty lovely:)

  28. you seriously look AMAZING, my friend. Gorgeous. For real.

  29. Oh my, I'm 16 weeks with #4, and heartburn and reflux are my life. Just a little tip -- tums used to work for me, but doesn't any more. If you find that your tums aren't helping you the way they should be, try some papaya enzymes (I get mine from whole foods). They are little miracle workers and have been my life saver. Especially because the hb/r started up super early for me this time around.
    As for baby/mama blogs... I guess I count as one, feel free to check me out: mama boss

  30. joyshope.com this mom is awesome, she has 3 girls and just had a baby boy in July, you'll die...amazing

  31. Isn't it exciting getting little clothes for your new man?!? I never had heartburn either and now I totally understand the pain. Thank goodness for Tums:)

    An adorable shop I came across, although haven't purchased from yet, is Misha and Puff. They carry the sweetest hand knit items for babies, all made in New England. http://shop.misha-and-puff.com/

    Your pictures are really sweet. So glad you are enjoying your pregnancy:)


  32. I love this shirt on you, Lindsay! And I think your body will bounce back pretty quickly on this baby:) By the 3rd or 4th time around it starts to get harder, and a little depressing- but when you look at your children it is SOO worth losing your "old" body. Congratulations on having such a popular blog- its really grown! I've read some of your posts here and there and always enjoy your writing :)

  33. Love these pictures, that shirt is so cute on you, love the color! I can't wait to hear the name you've chosen! I love watching you on your journey of becoming a mommy, so special!

  34. you are seriously the cutest pregnant lady evah!!! X2!!! Thanks so much for stopping by my little blog and saying hi!!! Love your blog...!!!! SO excited to follow along!!! XO

  35. cute bump! and if you'd like a glimpse into what life with a little boy is like, take a peek at my blog. i've got 4 handsome little guys. and one thing i've learned, don't worry about the weight you gain...in the end, once that boy gets going, you won't stop long enough to eat anything other than the crumbs he leaves behind :)

  36. My favs are The Daybook + Rockstar Diaries + Katie's Pencil Box. I think i will enjoy being pregnant + can't wait ;) ♥Lindsay

  37. Congratulations on your baby boy! You are glowing :)
    I really miss being pregnant, it's such a special time and I'm glad to hear you are enjoying it! So many ppl complain and want it over with which is sad.
    I don't know if anyone would say my blog is inspiring but I have thoughts on being a new mom that's at home all day with my now 13 month old son if you're interested in reading. :)

  38. Yay, a baby boy! So happy for you guys.
    Don't think for a minute you don't look good - - because you look awesome in everything you wear. I'm a canine mom, so I can't help you on any baby or mama sights.

  39. Hi Lindsay! My friend just emailed me your darling blog because 1) We just moved to Oahu from California and 2) I am a doula:) She is actually the first client I ever had and was like, you've got to contact this cute girl, you could either be great friends or even be her doula!! Needless to say, yes I would love to talk to you about your upcoming birth if you are interested in having a doula. Or maybe we could just be friends:) What a darling blog, thanks for sharing. I have a blog too, no where near as cute but I try, haha. Congrats on your sweet baby boy, these are special times. Enjoy:) Becky

  40. You are such a cute mama to be!

    xo Jennifer



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