merry christmas!

"Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you. He is Christ the Lord!"

Luke 2: 10-11

Amen and amen! Taking a break to celebrate the birth of Christ, eat lots of cinnamon rolls and spend time with sweet friends and my love. Hope your Christmas is merry and bright, filled with celebration and joy! 

PS. Can you spot this girl in her leggings and pj top in the picture above? ;) 



  1. I do!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours too!

  2. Merry Christmas!!! Have a good one!!


  3. I love this! Found you in the photo! Merry Christmas- may your time with family be fully of joy and blessings. xo

  4. I had to look for a minute, but I found you. Happy holidays! xoxo

  5. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas... full of love, laughter, and cheer!

  6. Merry Christmas!!! Love your surfing tradition. :) Oh - and I got the paintings! I LOVE our new painting! I'm going to try to hang it up on Christmas as a surprise. I haven't opened the cutie because I just loved how you wrapped it and want to give it to Rachel that way. Hehe.

  7. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and have a happy new year! :0)

  8. hehe - love the reflection in the ornament!


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