i could use an elf or two.

I'm busy.busy.busy today getting out shop orders and finishing up some last minute gifts going out to family. I think we procrastinated a little too much this year, but thankfully I'm really excited about each of the gifts we're sending, so hopefully our fam won't mind extending their gift opening a day or two. ;)

Have you sent all your gifts? Or are you scrambling, like me, to get them out in time?? 



  1. I am feeling a little rushed as well, but luckily I can just pack most of my gifts in my suitcase to get back home to Minnesota.

    I love that picture, I saw that on Oh Happy Day last year and decorated all of my cookie gift boxes that way. It was a hit!

    Little Things link up this week?

  2. As we prepare for another deployment (next week!) I am having zero motivation to get gifts wrapped and out in the mail. We were supposed to this weekend, but spending our time frivilously with each other has been a much better use of our time! Now, we still have our Christmas cards and all our gifts to pack and ship back East! Glad to hear I'm not the only one... sadly, ours just might be late.

  3. yes...i am scrambling...in a major way..lols

  4. yup! I gotta hit the post office tomorrow to mail out Scott's Nana's gift...I fear it'll be late. :(

  5. I love how you wrapped those! What a fun idea!

  6. That reminds me of the new Target commercial. Santa has elves, you have Target!

  7. I haven't finished all my shopping yet, SO stressful!

  8. we don't usually do gifts for out-of-town family because i can never get it together in time!! however, it leaves me feeling super-guilty about the awesome gifts they send little man! it's all good, though - i'll make it happen one of these years and i know they still love us :-D

  9. i totally would not mind receiving gifts after xmas!! it's always fun to get gifts for dayyyyys and weeks! :D

  10. dudeee. that rainbow yarn wrapping is making me drool. COLOR <3

  11. ooooooh my holy moly I love this wrapping idea! How genius! Such a good piece of inspiration...so colorful! I thought it was so fitting that you put this photo up b/c the last two days I have blogged about wrapping :-)

    Found your blog and so glad I did! I am your newest follower! Oh and come check out my fun/very soft giveaway! I think you'd love it! :-)




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