32 goals for my 32nd birthday

Yesterday was my 32nd birthday, and I am feeling pumped about this next year. As we anticipate our move to Hawaii, and I'm leaving behind the fog of post-partum anxiety, I'm ready to "have life to the full" (John 10:10). I'm ready to pursue the passions and creative identity that God placed in me 32 years ago. That may not mean that I'll ever go into art full-time, but simply that I follow His calling for me moment by moment.

I am leaving behind a season of surviving, and entering into a season of thriving.

This is gonna be a good year.

I made a list of 32 goals for this next year, and I thought I'd share them here. Some are small, some are big, some are merely dreams. Some I've left a little more vague, while I gave myself parameters on others.

  1. Get LASIK eye surgery (I made my consultation appt yesterday- well on my way!).
  2. Eat more colorful things
  3. Learn about finances 
  4. Release at least 3 collections (small or big!) online
  5. Finish 2 books per month
  6. Take care of my skin-- find a good clean SPF and wear it!
  7. Buy (and wear) a pair of overalls
  8. LESS yelling at my kids, more GENTLE words
  9. Fill up 6 sketchbooks-- with anything!
  10. Memorize one passage of Scripture per month
  11. Take an art class
  12. Write in my journal more regularly
  13. Write real letters to friends and family
  14. Create helpful rhythms for our household
  15. Create outside my comfort zone (different medium, different styles, play more!)
  16. Pick up my phone LESS
  17. Go back into counseling (get Chris to join me for a few sessions!)
  18. Run a race with Chris
  19. Pray for our kids MORE
  20. Take more pictures and video with my DSLR
  21. Get STRONG- kick my diastasis recti to the curb
  22. Do a podcast interview
  23. Find an art mentor
  24. Create an official will with Chris
  25. Play more with my kids
  26. Hold an IG meet-up on Oahu
  27. Wear a bikini on the beach without worrying about my mama belly
  28. Take the kids on a hike by myself
  29. Make a big deal of other peoples' birthdays
  30. Spend more time in the Word before the world
  31. Don't sweat the small stuff (adventure perspective, over stress perspective)
  32. Don't be so flaky

Here we go! Follow the hashtag #lindsays32goals on Instagram throughout the year to see how I'm doing! 


  1. Happy Belated Birthday - was going to tell you on IG and the day got away. Hope you had a great time with your mom in town. I love these goals - I turn 30 on Saturday and just reread my 30 before 30 list and I didn't complete half but it is still fun to look back on what I wanted to accomplish and how some goals have changed and stayed the same! xo

  2. Happy Belated Birthday!! Those are great goals!

  3. LOVE this, Lindsay!!!
    I’m a huge fan of goals—so much so that New Years has become one of my favorite holidays. Fresh starts are THE. BEST.
    Can’t wait to continue to follow along via IG :)
    @erinplainandsimple (because somehow I can’t get my name to display on here😝)

    1. Oh geez. And now my name is showing. Oops. Sorry!🤣

  4. Happy Birthday! Love this list. Some are on my own list. I'm cheering you on this year as you check them off.

  5. so great!! we share the same birthday month, and this year i turned 33. i think you have just inspired me to create my own list! HBBD! (happy belated birthday!) :-)


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