my favorite graphic tees for mamas

I'm really into graphic tees these days. The typography, the simplicity, the layering options, how they basically make an outfit without even trying. Certainly there are some dumb ones out there, that make me roll my eyes or think "who would wear that?" This one is a particularly stupid one (who wants a list of all the things they can't have while pregnant?!)

But there are some sweet ones too. 

Here's a little round-up of graphic tees for mamas that I would actually wear. Some maternity, some not. Also, almost all from small companies run by mamas themselves. That tee from The Jones Market is headed my way, and I'm gonna tuck it away for after baby #3 comes- if I can resist the temptation to squeeze my bump into it right away. I love having a few fun things tucked away to wear after the baby, especially something like an soft, cozy tee that I can toss on without much thought. 

No affiliate links or sponsorships-- just some tees I love and wanted to share. Also, posting them eases the urge to click 'add to cart' on all of them. :) 


  1. I just ordered the "my tired is tired" tank!

  2. Lovely tees. tees are very comfortable and stylish. I always prefer to wear mostly during traveling. Liked this. thanks. :)

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