seven of my favorite books to read to kids.

To me, there's nothing better in the middle of a hectic day, than when one of my kiddos comes to me with a book in hand, clambers up into my lap, and sinks in. Having their warm little cheeks close for kissing, and their undivided (usually quiet) attention is the best. 

Even better at bedtime when I know I get to tuck them in, and go downstairs for a cold beer and my favorite tv show. 

Anywaaay... today's topic is books. Kids' books. 
Photo by Justine Johnson Photography

I thought I'd share a few of our current favorite kids' books today. We have piles and piles of books in our house, but there are only a select few that I really love reading over and over. I just put a giant stack of books into a cardboard box, and it's destined for Goodwill. There are just some books that you can only read so many times before you want to chuck it across the room. 

These are books that my kids love, and that I enjoy reading to them. Maybe you want to add them to your Christmas shopping list, (I've included Amazon links for you!), or put them on your 'find at the library' list! 

(Clock-wise, from top)

1) The One Year Devotions for Preschoolers-- This sweet book has a little devotion for each day of the year, but we usually just pick and choose a page to read at random. It's a simple way to start conversations with Silas about the way we treat others, or the character of God. Each devotional also has a Bible verse reference and prayer prompt. 

2). Owl Moon-- I love the soothing tone of this book. It's perfect for right before bedtime.

3). Little Blue Truck-- A favorite since Silas was tiny, this is our second copy, since our first one was so well-loved. There are sequels, but the original is the best, in my opinion. 

4). Who Will Tuck Me In Tonight?-- I love the catchy rhythm and sweet illustrations in this book. Plus, I'm pretty awesome at doing the voices of the different animal characters. 

5). I Love You Through and Through-- Another favorite since Silas' baby days. It's falling apart, and I read it to Delia probably five times a day now. She's learned several body parts (nose, toes, hair, ears) from me reading it to her, and it's just so sweet. Put this one on your baby shower gift lists-- it's one that we really treasure. 

6). Maps-- We bought this one at Anthropologie last year (but it's actually cheaper on Amazon!). Silas loves looking through it on his own, or having us sit with him as we go through it together. The illustrations are really fun, and I've found myself flipping through the pages on my own. A great one to have on your shelf!

7). Bear Snores On-- This is my absolute favorite right now. The rhythm of this book is so fun. We've borrowed a few "Bear" books from the library and I've loved them all. 

What are the books in your house that are ragged from turning the pages thousands of times?

Photo by Justine Johnson Photography


  1. Love this! We're always on the lookout for a few more good books to add into our rotation or to hunt down at the library.

    My 18 month old loves Goodnight Moon, The Napping House (one of my favorites!), and all of the Llama Llama books (but Llama Llama, Holiday Drama is his absolute favorite!)! :)

  2. The bear books are my favourite! We just had to return a whole pile of them to the library. I love the cadence of the stanzas and the illustrations are beautifully cute.

    Two other authors we have hoarded from the library are Mo Willems and Nick Bland.

  3. I Love You Through and Through was one of my favorite books to read my kids when they were younger. Now, at 6 and 4, they pick out the books they want me to read. For my 6 year old, that generally involves a book about the solar system and for my 4 year old a Dora book. But some of my favorite books to read them are the books from the "This is" series and I always love Click, Clack Moo, Cows That Type.


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