moving on up.

When we left Hawaii in 2012, we had dreams of getting back there someday, hopefully sooner than later. We had fallen in love with the warm breezes, daily rainbows, awesome surf, and we found friends there that quickly became our family. Hawaii had become home for us, and it was hard to leave. But Boston would be a fun place to live for a few years while the Navy sent Chris to grad school. And then maybe we could get back to island life, or at least someplace similar, like San Diego.

But it will be at least few more years before we can get back there. Because next summer, we are most likely moving to... 


Yeah, not exactly Hawaii, and not even a place that most people know is an option for Navy folk like us. When Chris came to me with the possibility over a year ago, I felt like my head was going to fall off. What?! Canada? And not even on the ocean? How can they do that to us? And then we experienced this past winter in Boston, with record blasting snow falls, 10 foot high snow piles, barely able to get out of our driveway, and below freezing temps, I just about collapsed into a useless heap when I thought about moving even further north. 

(Just about? More like definitely collapsed into a whining pile of jelly.)

But it looks like we have no choice, and Chris is the only guy in the US to fill this one position in Ottawa, so up to Canada we go. Most likely. We don't have our orders yet, but let's just say we are already researching snow boots that will keep our toes from falling off, so we're pretty well sure that's the verdict. 

Here's the thing though. For as much as Canadian winters terrify me, and I never in my life expected to live in Canada, we have only heard wonderful, lovely, encouraging things about both the job Chris will be filling, and the area where we'll be living. So, this summer, I decided to put on my big girl panties (as they say) and quit whining (mostly). If God has us destined for Canada, then he must have some great things in store for us up there. So here we are now, doing our best to embrace the inevitable, trust God, and make the best of it. 

When we found out that Ottawa hosts a hot air balloon festival each September, we decided to make a trip out of it and head up there to check things out. We'll be driving up this weekend, and I'm praying that God will start to grow an excitement in our hearts. I'm praying that He will prepare a church family for us, and friends that become family, and also that maybe they'll experience the most mild winters they've ever had during the two years we'll live there. 

Also, I might sneak in a prayer that I can eat all the poutine I want without gaining a pound. 


Kind of. 


  1. Being from Michigan (up until 4 weeks ago, now a Pittsburghander), I can assure you that Canada is amazing. I'm not sure there is any other state quite as in love with Canada as Michigan. It is honestly so beautiful, and you will be in awe at some of the landscapes you will see. They have some amazing clothing lines (Check out Roots for the most comfortable sweatshirts/sweatpants, and Pajar for adorable and warm winter boots!). Plus, Poutine?!??!?! SIGN.ME.UP!

  2. I almost forgot ... check out Crown Cap for the BEST winter hats!

  3. Ottawa also has a gorgeous Tulip Festival every spring! Great little downtown area and everything is very family friendly. Also just a quick trip to Montreal!

    1. Oh yes! I read about that the other day, and got pretty excited. Starting to find lots of things to look forward to!

  4. Take up snow shoeing! Fun for the whole fam.

  5. Our lives (geographically) have been pretty similar over the last several years. I moved to HI and met my husband after turning down an opportunity in Boston. In 2008 we moved to Canada and then last year we came to FL. I'm not going to lie Canadian winters are hard, but everything else is great. I will be praying for some mild winters.
    Almost 7 years after I left HI I still miss it everyday...I left a part of my heart there.

    1. Ha! Super similar! We also feel like we left our hearts in Hawaii. It just gets into your soul, doesn't it? Hope you can get back there soon-- even if just for a visit!

  6. Hi Lindsay! I have been following your blog and Instagram for a few months now and I really enjoy reading you! I am from Montreal (2 hours drive of Ottawa) and may I tell you that Ottawa is a beautiful city! The winters aren't that bad (we did not have as much snow as you in Boston last winter ;-) and ther eis so much to do and to see! This week-end we are going to Gatineau (family is there) where the Hot Air Balloon Festival is held. Maybe we'll be able to catch up sometime (even if we don't know each other.. ok well I do know you a bit!). Wish you and your family a safe trip and a nice week-end in our beautiful country!

    1. Thanks so much for the encouragement, Julie! We're super excited to come visit this weekend!

  7. Replies
    1. I'm admittedly pretty giddy about picking out an awesome pair of boots. :)

  8. I grew up in Canada and now live in Connecticut - trust me when I say that Canada is far more beautiful and wonderful and endearing AND the winter is probably almost exactly the same as a Boston winter. Seriously. So don't fear the winter at all! I think you will LOVE it up there! People are also a lot more friendly than they are in New England!

  9. Hey Lindsay:) I've been following your IG and pinterest for a while now:) I think I stumbled upon a picture of you while I was looking for a haircut style:) Btw I love your hair! I live in Gatineau which is on the other side of the bridge from Ottawa. The hot air balloon festival is 10 minutes away from my house:) Ottawa is awesome. So much to do with a family and it's really beautiful. If you have any questions let me know. I also know a few churches if your looking for one. You should also check out the byward market this weekend. Hope you have fun! By the way poutine is awesome:)

  10. I wrote this on your IG, but I grew up in Ottawa, and it's amazing!

  11. I lived in Ottawa for 7 years - it's a beautiful city! The winters can be crazy... most definitely, but there is so much going on in that city, that it's hard not to enjoy it! Plus last year with Boston, it doesn't get much worse than that here.

  12. Not sure what's going on or if you still follow Hawaii news but it has been INSANELY hot and humid in Hawaii. Record breaking heat and humidity. Also, we had 3 hurricanes headed our way recently.. 2 missed us and I'm hoping the 3rd will too! Good luck in Canada.. What a great adventure it will be :)


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