snow days.

I think our snowfall total has reached over 7 feet, which is inching us closer and closer to the snowiest winter in Boston history. Because of the record snowfalls, public transportation closed down, and Chris wasn't able to get in to Cambridge for over two weeks. So, we savored an unexpected abundance of time with him as he worked from home.

When I think about the past month, I think about all the fun memories we've made, and I get a little sad thinking that Silas most likely won't remember the snowiest winter of his life. So, I'm remembering for him here. 

When I tell Si about this winter, I'll recount...

... how Daddy spent hours and hours perfecting the sled course that ran from the back of our house, around the corner of the front porch, and across the front yard. How he got so excited every time he took you out to sled, almost like he was a kid himself. 

... how you asked for "hot choclick" the minute your cold, red cheeks appeared at the back door. And I'd sit you down in the your booster seat for some warm milk with a little bit of chocolate in your special red and white striped mug. 

... how some of the piles of snow were five feet above your head. 

... the adorable way you looked when you had your snow bibs on, and how you finally perfected getting your thumb into your red mittens by the 12,000 time we put them on. 

... the way we'd look for the patterns of frost on the windows each morning, and stare amazed at the tiny bursts of ice painted across each pane. 

... how we'd sleep soundly in our warm beds as Daddy was outside morning after morning shoveling yet another foot of snow from the driveway and sidewalks in front of our house.

... how Mommy and Daddy would just laugh and shake our heads every time we'd read predictions of yet another foot of snow coming our way. And we'd laugh as we watch the snow swirling down, knowing it would total well over a foot... again. 

... how Mommy would hold Delia in her little red and white polka-dot footie pajamas and walk from window to window watching you and Daddy play outside.

... the pile of snow in the backyard that you called "the mountain", and climbed up like a champ, only to tumble down it in a fit of giggles. It was as tall as the garage roof.

... how you watched probably too much Little Bear and Backyardigans, but we balanced it with getting you exhausted outside, so I don't feel too bad about that.

I physically ache for the warmth of spring and summertime, but thinking back on this month makes me thankful for the chance to slow down and savor the season with this little family of mine, even if it's not my most favorite season ever.


  1. Such a beautiful post! It will be wonderful coming back to it to remember!

  2. Such a sweet post. Looks like you guys are really making the best of a crazy winter!

  3. this is a really sweet post, lindsay. I know how rough winters can be, and it wears on you to the depths of your core--but it looks like you guys are making the best of it. sunshine and springtime will be there soon.

  4. When I see pics of your family in the snow, I still see u guys in Hawaii... You transition well!. Time flies when you are busy, don't they?!


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