delia at two months...and a giveaway from fawn and clover!

I'm well aware that monthly baby updates aren't the most riveting thing happening in the blog world. I also know that second children often get overlooked in the upkeep of traditions and recording memories. So, as an incentive for me to keep writing these posts (since I love looking back at Silas' and have yet to write in a baby book for either kiddo), and as a thank-you to you for stopping by, I've lined up some fun giveaways each month for Delia's monthly posts. Skip down to the bottom of this post for a sweet giveaway from Fawn and Clover (the creator behind D's sweet hoodie and leggings in today's post).

Delia has been on the earth for two sweet months now. As cliché as it may be to say, she has fit seamlessly into our family, and it feels like she was always meant to be here.

 At two months old, D is gracing us with sweet smiles (and even some coos and squeaks) daily. She loves following Si around the room with her eyes, and gets pretty sad when we are in the other room, and she's all alone. Since birth, she has held her thumb between her pointer and middle finger when she's making a fist. I think it's an adorable quirk. Her eyes look like they are going to be light-- maybe even green like her daddy and Silas (which shocks me, since I have the dominant brown eye gene!). I call her Delia, baby D, Dee Bee, Cheeks McGee, and just plain 'ol D. Silas has called her "Ah-la" since before she was born, and insists that her name starts with an "A", instead of "D".

She eats and sleeps pretty great, except in the evenings, when she's a major fuss-bucket. That's when I usually end up wearing her in our Happy Baby Wrap or Sakura Bloom ring sling. It's a pretty common sight for Chris to come home to-- Delia in the sling, me in sweats and messy hair, prepping dinner, while Si sits quietly on the couch watching Little Bear. I lasted until 5pm last night before I sat him in front of the TV, which I saw as a major victory. Mommy-ing these two is all kinds of exhausting, frustrating, rewarding, tiring, humbling and sweet.

Big brother wanted to get in on his little sister's two month pictures. Too bad he has such a boring personality.

Don't you love that hot air balloon hoodie and those gold polka dot leggings that Delia is wearing above? Kayla is the creator behind the shop Fawn and Clover, and she also makes adorable baby hats, bibs, teething rings, and dresses.  She's offering a $30 shop credit to Hello Hue readers today! Read a little bit more about Kayla below, and use the Rafflecopter widget to enter. Giveaway ends next Friday, and winner will be announced on this post.

From Kayla:

My name is Kayla, owner of Fawn & Clover.  I have a passion for Jesus, my family, coffee and sewing.  I am married to Rob and we have to little ones - Eliana & Brayden.  When my kids sleep, I sew. Lots and lots of baby clothes.  I am thankful to be able to meet new people and have been blessed so much by my little business.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Any of the leggings. I especially love the gold polka dots and the midnight floral. And the red and black plaid. You can never have too many cute leggings, right?

  2. Such sweet pictures, as always :) This company is fabulous! All of their products look so, so cute.

  3. So so sweet! Love the photos and that darling embroidery hoop.

  4. all the leggings are adorable. but i swooned over the christmas deer pi's. so perfect!

  5. Your kids are adorable! I'm about three months away from having my first and am loving all these itty bitty things! That hoodie with the acorns is awesome!


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