almost two.

I think I've said "this is my favorite age" at just about every stage in Si's short life, but I'm realizing that I enjoy toddlerhood far more than the baby stage. Totally exhausting and frustrating at many points through the day, but it's pretty amazing to watch my baby grow into a full-blown kid. 

At 22 months (his birthday is August 10th!), Silas is a character. I would definitely put him in the category of "strong-willed child"-- he is opinionated, stubborn, and pit-bull like in his wants and desires. He's incredibly verbal, and knows what he wants, even if it takes us a few minutes of him repeating a word for us to 'get' it. His personality is hilarious, and he's constantly joking with us in his little toddler way. 

I think my favorite side of him is his goofy side. He's become a master at the goofy face, and even knows when to break it out for pictures. (We call the one in the collage below his 'crazy' face and he does it on command...or just to be silly when he feels like it.) Usually the giggle I catch afterwards makes it that much cuter. He spent a good five minutes exchanging silly faces with a stranger on the train last week. I love his ability to make friends wherever he goes-- even if it does make public outings a little more awkward for us more inhibited adults. 

We talk about 'baby sister' a lot these days--everything from what her cries will sound like (his impression sounds more like a mouse squeak-- which would be nice, but I think he's in for a rude awakening) to what colors she will like, and whether he's going to share his trucks with her (that changes on the daily). As much as an "almost two-year old" can, I think he understands pretty well that there is a little baby coming to our family soon. Anytime he glimpses a baby girl on my Instagram feed or sees a baby in church, he says, "baby sister!"

Lately his favorite things are to go for walks (which he refers to as 'waaalk, walk, walk's), eat Greek yogurt (this kid is obsessed), and splash in his inflatable pool. He holds our hands and bows his head to pray, and even will remind us if we start to eat before praying. He counts to two, can point out a handful of colors, and slept 12 hours last night. I would never have guessed that last one based on his sleep record as an infant. 

 I have to confess that I sometimes roll my eyes at people who refer to their kids as their 'best friends', but admittedly, I love having this little buddy around. And it makes me wonder what the heck I did with my days before Silas was around to keep me on my toes. 


  1. I am absolutely LOVED the toddler age. I would take that over the infant stage any time.
    It was such a joy and blessing to watch my children develop their personalities.

  2. our henry is 19 months old and we are due with "baby sister" on august 12th. i cant get him to even notice my protruding belly much less acknowledge there is a baby in there. i am hopeful he becomes more interested over the next 2 months. this stage is such a good one though. so much personality comes pouring out of such a little person.

  3. Lol, yes to awkward public outings when you're little one decides to engage every stranger he comes across. I'm generally shy, so I'm pretty sure I've spoken to more strangers in the past year than in the previous 29 years combined... Also, the 12 hours of sleep gives me a lot of hope. We're still waking up at least once a night right now, so thank you!

    The Joni Journey

    1. Haha, I hear ya! I'm pretty outgoing but there are still times when I'm like, "Please don't engage, Silas!" And yes, the sleeping gets better! Si didn't even sleep through the night until we moved into our house here in Boston when he was almost one.

  4. He is so sweet! I can't believe I've been following you guys since you announced you were pregnant. My 2.5 year old is a stubborn, spirited, strong-willed little girl with goofy faces and plenty of demands, but I love every bit of toddlerhood.

  5. i'm guilty of the best friend thing--and admittedly, it's not completely 'legit', but--geez, we spend A LOT of time together, like, you know, every waking moment--so sometimes, in those little moments where it's all rainbows and butterflies my kid's do feel like my best friends :) haha. Si and Lucy would be two peas in a pod it seems. I bet they could have conversations like whoa! ha.

    1. We have got to get those two together some day! I would love to see the conversations they have!

  6. Love these photos! #1 is the best

  7. that first photo is priceless! you gotta save that one for future dates!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


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