8 things.

Yesterday we went to the Children's Museum and spent $30 for Silas to play with trucks, balls, and blocks. And then, we bought a year-long membership. We might be suckers, but it's not looking like winter is ending anytime soon, and I have a feeling we'll get our money's worth. 

My parents are coming in for a visit this weekend (yay!) and I can't wait to take them to one of our favorite restaurants, Steel and Rye. The brunch menu looks to die for. 

Silas has started to slam his head repeatedly into things like walls, tabletops, and doors if he gets frustrated. Apparently it's a normal toddler phase. Half the time I can't help but laugh at his ridiculousness, and the other half, I'm afraid he's gonna concuss himself. 

Chris and I are taking our first overnight weekend away from Silas next month. I'm equal parts giddy excited and tummy-in-knots thinking about leaving him for three nights. Any tips for this nervous mama?

Since there's a big snowstorm coming in tonight, I'm planning on ordering groceries online through Peapod and having them delivered here tomorrow. I'm afraid I'll become addicted. 

I'm *this* close to buying a tablet and starting to explore the world of creating digital art, but this indecisive bone in me makes these kind of purchases really difficult. Do you have a tablet you love?

I'm dying to crack open a book again. I can't even remember the last book that I really got into. Give me your latest fiction recommendations! 

The Olympic opening ceremonies air on Friday night, and this commercial has me teary-eyed in anticipation. 


  1. The last book I really enjoyed was 'Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore'. It was really charming, I'd definitely recommend it

  2. Linds - I wrote a post about the first time with left Evie for 4 days. Expect to be a little sad when your trip is just starting (like the drive to the airport) but then it is SO worth it. Excited for you and Chris to get away :)

    Have you read Where'd you go, Bernadette? It's a good, fun read!
    xo. Lindsey

  3. I bought a Wacom Bamboo Create last Christmas and just never got the hang of it. I used it maybe 5 times. I'd be happy to sell it to you if you're interested, just email me!

    Also, currently reading Bread and Wine and the Divergent series. Both are great, in very different ways ;)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I remember when I got my first tablet when I was a freshman in high school (I'm 25 now! lol). It was a used small 4x5 Wacom Intuous 2 that my mom found on Ebay. I remember being so excited to get it and when I first got it I HATED it! A year later I picked it back up again and loved it. What I wish some one told me though is that they have a bit of a learning curve because you have to get used to drawing while looking at the screen and not at your drawing (or paper).

    I think it's a good purchase and Wacom is a great company, just remember that it will take time getting used to and just keep practicing. Eventually it'll be second nature and you'll love it. :)

  6. I just started the book "The Tyrant's Daughter" I'm 11% in so I can't speak for the whole book, but so far its really good. I also read "Love Story" by Nichole Nordeman earlier this year and it was fantastic - not fiction, but so good spiritually. Also "The Sinner's Garden" by William Sirls was really good. I wrote up a review for it.

  7. You will definitely get your money's worth out of the museum membership. It should get you into other museums too as part of a reciprocal museum program. We have a membership to our itty bitty children's museum here in Idaho and it gets us into all sorts of great places when we travel!
    Book recommendation - The Fault in Our Stars! So good

  8. Download the app Goodreads! You can create lists of books you've read and want to read AND friend people to see what they are reading. LOVE it!


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