happy birthday, baby boy!

I know that there aren't many people that really care about Silas' birthday like I do. Chris even has rolled his eyes a few times as I've exclaimed lots of mushy sentiments this week. But it's been a big year. Tomorrow's celebration will be just as much about celebrating this little boy as it is a big 'hoorah!' to surviving the first year of motherhood. This past year has brought more joy to my life and has taught me more than any other year in my life thus far. I've learned to let things go when it just doesn't matter, to trust my instincts, to care for a human being and love deeper than I thought was possible. This first year of mamahood has seen countless tears (mine and Silas'), many triumphs (he's finally sleeping through the night!) and lessons about not comparing myself and leaning on God's strength. I've struggled through in finding my identity as a mama, wife and artist, and I've discovered the sheer joy of open mouth baby kisses and watching my son (my son!) learn about the world around him. 

Right now I'm just thankful to have my feet up and a steaming mug of coffee in my hand instead of enduring 30 hours of labor like last year at this time! Tomorrow Silas turns one and we're going to spend the day at the beach, eating all the blueberries in the world, and there might even be a confetti cake in there somewhere too. 


  1. Happy Birthday Silas! You are seriously one of the cutest baby boys ever and I can't wait to hear all about the new adventures you'll have in the upcoming year!

  2. So happy for you & your family. Our little boy's 1st bday is coming up fast as well... and you are so right... what a year it's been! So much fun and struggle. Love and pain. Excitement and frustration. Sweet sweet times! Proud of you for making the day about just that sweet little boy. ENJOY!!! xoxo kt

  3. Happy birthday cutie boy! It has been so fun watching you grow!

  4. Happy birthday to Silas! I've been reading your blog since before you were pregnant, and it's been a joy to follow your journey into motherhood. Hope you both enjoy the big day!

  5. How has it already been a whole year!? Happy birthday Silas!!

  6. happy b-day little one! and happy first year of mommyhood to you!

  7. Happy Birthday to your adorable little man, you are such a lovely family!!!

  8. Happy birthday! That first birthday is pretty special!

  9. Aww, happy birthday Silas!!! And happy giving-birth-day to you, mama! :)

  10. Oh L... Yay for one year of motherhood... Even though you were a mother the very first instant he was created ;) what a joy it's been to see you grow in Him through this! It's amazing how little ones refine us! Happy birthday sweet Silas! You sure are loved!

  11. I wanted to celebrate my girl's 1/2 birthday today, but my hubs rolled his eyes, too :) Happiest of birthdays to your sweet boy! Congrats on surviving!

  12. the first birthday is such a BIG milestone! congrats on making it through your first year of parenting! :)

  13. Happy b-day to lil Silas!! I can't believe he's a year already

  14. A year already?! Happy birthday, sweet boy!!

  15. Yay! First birthdays are the best and he's gotten so big! I think first birthdays are as much for mommy as for baby-- you did it!! Woot!

  16. happy birthday kiddo. and congrats to you guys on 1 year of parenting :) and hollerrrrr for babies who start sleeping through the night (lucy just made the jump when she turned a year too!)


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