hello hue studio:: coming soon!

Spending lots of time in the studio these days and it feels amazing. I'm aiming for the first week of January to open the shop back up again, with new products and lots of new designs (and some favorite classics too.) Naptimes are filled with precious painting minutes for me and I'm thankful for Chris' help and encouragement as I get back in the game. 

I think you guys are going to love the brand new hand-painted necklaces I'm working on. I've got a few more surprises up my sleeve, but I was just too excited to keep that one in! 

To get some more sneak-peeks, follow me on Instagram! 

Got any favorite designs you are hoping to see back in the shop in a few weeks?


  1. Ahhhh!! Those necklaces look AMAZING!! Can't wait! Keep it up and keep following your heart!

  2. super excited for the return of your shop!!! :)
    Sandy a la Mode

  3. These are awesome!! :) Can't wait to see your work!

  4. I love those necklaces and I LOVE the cloud paintings! Can't wait :)

  5. I've has the yellow lace on my wish list for so long--and my birthday is in Feb! A good gift idea!

  6. I still have my heart set on one of your sewing machine paintings....

  7. So excited! Can't wait to see all the stuff and I can't wait to buy something!

  8. I'd love to see the camera painting and sewing machine painting back, loved those!

  9. I am so excited for your shop to open up, I miss it!

  10. Can't wait to see the necklaces!!

  11. its great to see you are painting again! i love the minis :)
    -Rachel w k

  12. So exciting!! I need to get a Hello Hue art piece soon! :D

  13. I already headed to Etsy to get notified when you re-open! Oh so.... I NEED the dahlias. I missed them every other time you had them so PRETTY PLEASE make more. Maybe in yellows? And with those fun canvas shapes. Please and thank you.
    So excited!

  14. Yay I'm so excited!!! Can't wait.


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