this week.

Daddy and Silas time. 

My new Chubby Stick lip balm by Clinique came in the mail. I think I need a few more colors.

Fresh flowers from a husband who does a really awesome job of loving me. 

This boy. Oh, this boy. 


The past few weeks, this parenting thing has gotten easier, bit by bit. Not that it's "easy" now by any stretch of the imagination, but at least it's been a good while since I've cried out of exhaustion. Silas is getting to be a ton of fun to be around. His smile and stares are pretty enthralling and watching his personality emerge is more fun than I even imagined. Hearing his Daddy's voice is sure to elicit a smile and he's still a big fan of the bouncer. 

With the days getting (a bit) cooler, Chris' schedule getting easier and a trip home for Thanksgiving around the corner, things are pretty sweet around here. If only I could find time to pick up my paintbrush, I think life would be close to perfect, but I know that time will come eventually. 


  1. You will soon get to pick up that paintbrush again. Glad things are going well :)

  2. loved seeing this update linds! and glad things are getting easier w/ silas!! it will only get EVEN easier and more fun as he grows up, PROMISE! :)

    Sandy a la Mode

  3. So glad things are becoming easier! Silias is so cute! Loved this update. I'm sure you will be painting again in no time! :)And I love my chubby stick! I have it in watermelon and wear it all the time!


  4. glad to hear you are more adapted to mommy role :) cute pics

  5. Great post! LOVE it! :) Wish I did mine more regularly... ugh.

  6. You guys make the cutest babies :) ... well, baby!
    I'm keen to check out that lip stick/gloss/thing! The colour is so right on you! xx

  7. You'll get to that paintbrush soon enough lady! I'm so happy to hear things are good!

  8. It gets easier....and it gets harder! It sounds like hubby is doing a GREAT job as dad at this point. Uplifting you and loving you is the best thing he can do!!! Goodness that tiny boy is cute as can be!

  9. These photos are so lovely! You look gorgeous, and Silas is incredibly handsome too, by the way. Of course, I'm sure you knew that one already!

  10. The days do get easier, once you figure it out. I remember floundering for the first 3 months before the baby and I got into a good routine. It didn't help that we moved when she was 8 weeks old and lived in hotels and guest rooms for awhile. It was rough. Now she's 9 months, crazy, difficult, but easy.

  11. It's nice to see someone on a blog admitting that parenting does get easier! Not that any of us are experts EVER, of course, but I can totally relate to the nice feeling of becoming a little more accomplished as time goes by. I feel like many (myself included) spend a lot of time crying for help on our blogs, but every now and then... let's admit we do learn, babies do grow and become easier to understand, and that overall this is joy!

  12. It's been so long since I've been in the blogging world, but at least I have your tweets and instagram to keep up :) Silas is absolutely adorable! I wish you the best now that you're a parent. I can't imagine the feeling yet, but it looks like you are doing amazingly!

    - Melissa, The 25th Hour Blog

  13. Such an adorable photo of Si on the right! Thanks for sharing him with everyone :) It brightens my day.


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